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Posts posted by Lentilus

  1. 49 minutes ago, Pico Boulevard said:

    - Rock Candy Sweet is finished and will be released in June  but  not on June 1st 

    - Ben wanted Lana to change the album cover

    but she didn't wanted to change it so she fired him & Ed and now Nikki  & Chuck are her managers

    - Dealer will be on the album and also an extended version of it with a 48 minute long e-guitar outro in which Lana makes noises like a wild boar 

    - The album will be overall witchy:diva:

    - Rock Candy Sweet title track is about getting fucked while hard rock music is playing in the background & snorting cocaine from each other bodies 

    - There will be a Deluxe Edition with 5 different versions of Boom Like That 

    I screamed when I read the 48 minute outro part. :troll:

  2. 5 minutes ago, Super Movie said:

    Tracklist just leaked omg here it is: 

    1. Rock Candy Sweet

    2. Complex Magazine i hate U

    3. Bro

    4. Cherry Blossom (Boom Like That Remix)

    5. Getting Back Together Quickly (ft. Nikki Lane)

    6. Country At Heart

    7. Typewriter

    8. Dealer (Boom Like That Remix)

    9. Personal Sovereignty 

    10. Go. Fuxk. Yourself 

    Bonus tracks:

    11. This isn't a real account or tweet that you're responding to 

    12. Nah read what you wrote hoe 

      Reveal hidden contents

    Just kidding :creepna3: pls don't take this seriously lol


    I would have named Track 4:Rose's bloom, for you because you're finally dead as you should-cherry blossom

  3. Yooooo, what we're NOT gonna do, is drag @Aphrodites opinion!! Sis made good points and poured their valid emotions. :kiss3:

    4 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    I understand what you mean. I think it’s in line with what I’m saying also: we need something bigger for RCS, especially when it’s supposedly a summer album. Love NFR and Chemtrails, but those two really are toned down in terms of production and after Chemtrails, to go directly to country-folk would be too slow in my opinion. After Hm, she needed to change the pace a bit and she did, even if some of us really don’t like how “all over the place” this album is (it’s not my opinion because I connected with this album). I really love Chemtrails but I don’t listen to it as much as Norman, sadly. 

    Period!! Well said!!:trisha:

  4. 1 minute ago, sweetie said:


    Still don't get it. They just want more of the same? :tsk:

    To me that just seems like chasing that initial 'high' we felt when listening to those records the first time.

    I think it's great she's moving on and evolving her sound. If I wanted an Ultraviolence sound I will just go listen to Ultraviolence. It still sounds fresh.

    I can't speak for them, but I definitely dont want more of the same(which is why I don't want her to work with Jack again). NFR and COCC have a different sound.. but Jack's signature is all over both projects, which to me gave me two albums that sounded different, but felt the same to me. Whatever Lana decides to do, I just want her to do it professionally. Unlike the ever changing COCC dates....America  standard announcement..etc...:diva:

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