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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. This feels like the most dry we've been this era. Even though Lana posted the WD teaser on insta just 6 days ago. I'm foolishly expecting her to post today or tomorrow! THE ALBUM, two weeks notice ma'am!!!
  2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/uk.sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/lana-del-rey-opens-visiting-185003403.html The interview
  3. This Dutch website now says its releasing on 11 March https://www.northendhaarlem.nl/a-62434722/cd/lana-del-rey-chemtrails-over-the-country-club-cd/#description
  4. Eclipse allegedly gave lyrics to some Brazilian nobody twitter. The girls are fighting. Eclipse and his second account tried to come on LB to drag the girls, called me a bitch, a mod did nothing about it. Then out of spite said that Yosemite was trash. Meltdowns/fight/cycle again. Hope you're okay kween!!!
  5. I'm going to sleep, this thread was a disaster today. As always, hope to wake up to some real news, not some insider searching for clout and instagram followers.. x
  6. @Clampigirl I clearly remember getting a wp and put on mod queue for calling someone a bitch. Correct this creature
  7. followed by a Chemtrails delay announcement and another loose date for Amercian standards and classic's album.
  8. Alright alright. Countdown time!!! (oh wait, thats also not allowed anymore)
  9. So eclipse gets to share insider info without bs from a mod? Okay....sure...
  10. You didn't! The gals over on this thread are just starved and cranky from it. Live yo best life legend!!
  11. So @majunnkieis doing gods work and found out that WD mv was supposed to come out last month. And there is a high possibility for its release next week.
  12. I'm definitely more calm than I was months ago! The wait is doable, and I'm enjoying the days leading up. LB is a mess, the girls are fighting, it's the chaos I've been waiting for really.
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