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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. WRONG. I've already put it out there that on monday I'm gonna make an appointment to visit my local record store where I got NFR a few days early. I said I would bend over for COCC. So you ladies can reap the rewards of my sacrifice.
  2. I feel the same!! but before we know it, we're at another pre release thread!!
  3. Yosemite Cult members all getting married on top of Yosemite on March 20th.
  4. I just wanna say, to the 5 homos who stole the album, feeling like gods. I hope you get caught by the FBI or some shit....yes I'm THAT salty about it. Idgaf.
  5. I really hope that dealer doesn't leak! Everytime I listen to NFR, and BAR, starts playing, I think to myself how much better it would have been, had the demo not leaked. And literally everyone hated the rework. Same thing will happen to Dealer if it leaks.
  6. Lentilus

    The "Do You?" Game

    No! I have a strict policy for myself on loyalty. Do you sometimes overthink to the point of total collapse?
  7. This Lana silence on WD/the fucking album is getting dangerously suspicious.
  8. It was me yes!! I'm also very much looking forward to the album-a-day!! You're gonna LIVE!!! I suggest this to everybody, it's fun, and it makes the days go by just a little faster.
  9. Ugh, I know right! The only thing I liked her in was her collab with Gaga. ..... And the collab with Lana was just......fucking terrible.
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