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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. Banned for having 18,456 reputation and me not knowing who you are.
  2. Our obsession/delusion dosage is dangerously high, and I'm here for it with you all!
  3. The fact that I don't even need an alarm set at 3am anymore, because my mind automatically wakes me to check if WD was annouced....is truly .... There's something wrong with me.
  4. Wow you really caught that! I listened to BB recently and I didn't make the connection! Your mind!!
  5. My cutoff day is tomorrow, after that I've lost total hope for any WD release anytime soon. Sorry ladies, I have to throw in the towel.
  6. What are the chances she and Clay were on their honeymoon and they've conceived a baby.....LDR8 that is.
  7. omg, remember when ya'll dragged @plastiscguy through the mud for this and he was right.
  8. Me too tho!!! But last time I was starting to lose hope, we got the title track teaser and release date soooooo.....
  9. That's true! And she'd need them sales after her divorce!! COCC is gonna win!!!
  10. Tsssss, I've had this feeling Adele is gonna surprise drop! Hope its for a later date!
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