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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. It's one of those songs that I would like to leak like 10 years from now so we get all nostalgic and shit.
  2. OMG sjhdaskjhd;klsjdlk I right away thought of you when Lana said that thing about "anything that's terrible is hilarious with Jack" Ladies,this interview truly amazing in my opinion! Makes me even more hyped for the album! and WHITE DRESS!!!!! We really are getting vulnerable Lizzy vocals.
  3. KWEEN SHIT!!!!!!! @Lustformoneywe about to get that Zach produced album announcement!!
  4. Don't count on the Dutch gays, it's 10:33am and they never sell Lana stuff here. Taste is fuckin poor.
  5. Speaking of Yosemite, this locked zip files had Yosemite in it. And according to the LB the 5 homosexuals who "have" the album have it without Yosemite. This leak is obviously fake af.
  6. we all snapped today. Imagine 60+ members under mod queue during the album release.
  7. I already ran my Anti virus software DIdn't even download it. But being on LB felt dangerous for a sec
  8. I call this friday night a success ! When does our Friday "Lana might feed us" countdown start?
  9. HAHAHAHAHSLKj;ldekj;foiajdfjgoij;ejohaf;lijf It was fucking fabulous! We all paid our respects to his laptop for this sacrifice.
  10. COCC album leak found in full in a locked ZIP file. @plastiscguy ended up destroying his dad's laptop as a result of a virus (not corona) delusions are at an all time high.
  11. It really shows how deep the delusion is becoming! Very Interview Magazine of us!
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