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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. Ugh, why do I always jump everytime I see people posting on this thread. I never learn.
  2. No (sounds interesting though) Do you own something incredibly old?
  3. Yes (Dutch windmill) Do you own a ficus?
  4. No I do not! Do you own a gaming console?
  5. Yes! (house slippers are a must) Do you own expensive high end headphones?(the only way to listen to music)
  6. No (sorry, idk who that is) Do you own a musical instrument?
  7. Banned because you haven't leaked White dress.
  8. I never understood the hatred towards LMLYLAW. It's gorgeous!!! its definitely not as good as Chemtrails, but it's a beautiful song!
  9. Banned for banning me(even more original than my previous ban)
  10. Banned for your profile pic.
  11. Banned for that brutally hilarious ban.
  12. Banned because is dont even know what a "DN" is
  13. Banned for making me think of a flaccid penis every time I see your profile pic.
  14. banned for putting the fun to an end. (alright I'm outa here before I get my ass handed to me)
  15. Banned because you wanna fight and you know you can't
  16. Banned because , check again, no I didn't
  17. Banned because I thought your profile pic was Azealia Banks.
  18. Banned for taking the best username
  19. Banned for that weak af ban (destroy me ladies)
  20. Banned for being the boring and forgettable Kennedy.
  21. Lentilus

    Lady Gaga

    I was surprised there were no Gaga, Sour Patch kids collab. I would have totally bought those for 10 euros here at the candy shop "international section"
  22. I MEAN, the 3 grant siblings should have been the only ones on the album cover.
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