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love deluxe

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Everything posted by love deluxe

  1. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/068/831/a95.gif
  2. Valerie's so powerful. her mind- it just, UGH! it amazes ME sometimes
  3. you still said the word political. you never clarified whether you were talking about kanye, trump, lennon, or karl fucking marx, luv.
  4. and if YOU want to delve into politics, maybe you should get off the laptop and go do something to make a change?
  5. funny how my vid now has one dislike RIGHT after i posted here hm i wonder who it was
  6. anyways, enjoy one of my shitty edits im hungry for views https://youtu.be/VojT-m7Os7A
  7. a documentary that (if im not mistaken) criticizes him quite a bit (especially for taking credit for music invented by black people)
  8. u dont even act like u love her music though... like, at all
  9. when was that interview from? like 2012? back when she was also friends with Kanye. people change, opinions change, etc.
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