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Everything posted by CinnamonGay

  1. I know both the choruses of Cinnamon Girl have different instruments.. but can someone tell me what exactly is different? The second chorus has guitars?
  2. Yass Thx thx Yupp. I felt the same. They felt so fresh? And different. I'm appreciating MAC and VB even more in the context of the album!!!
  3. Yup. Around 120-140ish. So proud of our Queen. Now waiting for 90 critic score
  4. I remember vaguely that someone here made their own studio version of HTD On picosong. Can someone post it? Picosong shut down so I cant access it anymore
  5. I read it somewhere that NFR as an album has 200M streams worldwide.(lanadelreyinfo twitter). Isn't that awesome!? Doesnt that amount to 134k streams worldwide?
  6. Do the physical albums have the lyrics? Can someone please post the pics?
  7. Ok but I screenshotted my comment in my phone but it's no where to be seen on the livestream???
  8. Someone please send the full livestream link
  9. Based on the HTD website? They predicted around 70 80k for LFL. It sold around 107k.
  10. I'm here for the Chuck videos. They give a very dreamy feel for the title track. Like everyday life mood video. Sure she messed up MAC and VB. But I loved both the original and alternate album cover.
  11. Me when the forum goes silent:- hope the livestream's almost on. (For more activity over here)
  12. Where?? Only NFR? OR THE Whole video including all 3 songs? Is she planning to release them in parts? Song by song?
  13. Did she sign off?... that was shorttttt.. Also. She said shes gonna be doing all her favs.. does that Include BTD VG..nooo I wanted a NFR exclusive setlist.
  14. Shit..2 reviews messed up a perfect 90 score. ... Why did pitchfork only count for 1 point? I thought it would be up by 2-3
  15. Tbh I want something either like Joni Mitchell Blue album Or A surfy album like Wayamaya with Hawaii vibes.
  16. nfr Is #3 on iTunes.. .. let's stream it guys. We can still get that #2 I feel. Tool has no market outside US.. Let's overtake !!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Oooh. And the arrow is for Best New music?? @
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