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Everything posted by enchaunted

  1. lol just ignore them, it doesn't matter. just don't do the same thing to taylor swift, it's not her fault or i'll go ክፉ ቃል የሚናገሩ እጅግ ይሰቃያሉ ፡፡ በቅርቡ ይጠፋሉ የሚለውን እውነታ መቀበል ብልህነት ነው ፡፡ በፍርድ ላይ ዐረፍተ ነገር አፍርተሃል ፡፡ ንስሐ መግባት ይፈልጋሉ ግን በጣም ዘግይቷል።
  2. i think they have two different reviewers, one's name is under different name. they gave lover both 60/100 lol erryone please make a MC acc and gave her 10/10, it's under 9 now...
  3. yes unfortunately sometimes all they care about is popularity...
  4. the album has only 12 critics on mc yet; btd had 37, uv 35, hm 31 and lfl 27 we still have a long way to go, grammy cares about metacritic, that's why we are obsessed with it, it must be 85+ and she SHOULD GET THAT GRAMMY THIS TIME she should submit NFR for album of the year, pop vocal and best alt and mariners for soty and best rock and doin time for roty
  5. it's 86 now, thanks to telegraph. i REALLY don't understand. love her or hate her, its worth is not 60... like, it's CLEAR "Elizabeth Grant found fame in 2011 with a name change and touch of Botox" like WTF? if she was a man, would they make a comment like this? taylor swift had some points with the song "the man" apparently... imagine if they wrote "came into fame with a funny stage name and pineapple hair" for The Weeknd...
  6. if someone wants to buy nfr more than 1, he/she can ship it to me i'm broke
  7. the guardian man is a piece of shite. he gave 60 to lover, nfr, sweetener, the gift, cuz i love you and solange. commented that lover was "too long" with 18 songs, but the same man gave 80 to 25-track drake album. said that lana keeps making same songs but gave 80 to ed sheeran? double standarts at its finest
  8. omg i hope she won't share snippets from it bc i can't stop myself from listening em
  9. guys critics are going AMAZING, nfr has two 100/100 already. but what was "hope extended"? what happened to it...
  10. people in charge, pls change the website's layout with doin time music video omg
  11. i haven't seen anyone who doesn't like NFR, it's a new fan favourite album now right? ultraviolence, asko byebye
  12. i think fiily album version was... not... neccesary... like... it's boring i'm sorry the drums were LIT instead of changing it she could have changed doin time a little bit
  13. it will get boring for us to listen nfr bc it's a 1 year old album for us but it's not the same case for a local, they will enjoy cinnamon more than we do
  14. lol what is "hope extended version" ?? how can she extend it further bitch it's not all too well
  15. i think a non-fan human (aka locals) would not search for a leak link for hours. people always wait for the release, the ones who listen leaks are mostly consist of fans and fans always stream her music on spotify or sth... if a person loves her so much that he would beg for the leak links, he will stream the record later imo. no one forgets the record after listening the leak btw i hate lana for giving me an habit of calling music albums "record"
  16. thank ya! she's the one bartender is amazing... it's sounds familiar with bel air but the "bart-titit-tender, ha ha ha ha" part is so original and adds a different flavour to the song
  17. omg actually i've been stalking this place for one year but never signed up lol but i think it's the time and how omg did you abstain from hearing them?? if i tried to do so i would have heard them in the school or from my friends anyway...
  18. which one is the correct one? "there's things i wanna say to you, but i'll just let you leave" or "there's things i wanna say to you, but i'll just let you live" genius says the first one but i think the second one is better...
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