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Everything posted by Vincent

  1. Vincent

    TikTok Updates

    I created a TikTok account with the sole purpose of seeing more Charlie Grant content, to be honest.
  2. Camille Preaker (Sharp Objects) vibes intensifies.
  3. I don’t need Disney World; I have random Instagram notifications from Lana Del Rey’s posts and stories which give me the same extremely thrilling, suspenseful and exhilarating feeling rollercoasters do.
  4. She turned off comments.
  5. Mother’s Day post gets weirder the longer you look.
  6. Is Lana taking a page out of the leakers’ book? Drops a crumb here and there. Help me reach a new milestone and I will post a new haiku? Is this… revenge?
  7. Did anyone else get an Instagram notification that Lana has posted a new photo, but there’s nothing there???
  8. Sounds like something that’s been slowly developing for some time now, you know? Vaping can damage vital immune system cells, making her more vulnerable to all the crap in the air right now. We have seen her struggle a lot this tour, so, honestly, why is anyone even remotely surprised? Bummed out for some of you that were expecting to see her these upcoming weeks, though. But also, worried. I mean, look what happened to Elton John.
  9. 1. Charlie 2. Chuck 3. Papa Grant 4. Lana
  10. I honestly don’t give a rat’s ass about these things, but it’s been such a weird day, for many reasons, and seeing her face when Billie won—twice—broke my heart for her.
  11. “She’s got a history of dating men without jobs. Glad you’re not one of them!” The last thing we need is to massage his ego.
  12. Where’s my The Wicked Stepmother, based on Lana Del Rey fan-fiction?
  13. And didn’t Pitchfork repost an old interview where they asked Lana about her ”crazy fans” and she talked about the time both her cars were stolen, and people sneaking into her house, etcetera. Foreshadowing?
  14. I re-watched the whole thing and I think this is a MASTERPIECE. And, yeah, there might and might have not been mushrooms involved, and I might have fallen asleep half-way and probably dreamed about a whole different thing, but it was GREAT.
  15. Putting on her sunglasses a million times is the new putting on her headphones for the billionth time from MtWtBt. Out with the old. Anyway, cute hecho en casa video with recycled footage. I liked the animation. And, I don’t know what else to add. I am glad my expectations were non-existent.
  16. Directed by Chuck. -this.is.exactly.what.i.was.afraid.of.gif-
  17. “No Terrence Loves You and no Hamilton at Karaoke… I can’t.”
  18. *putting on headphones for the millionth time* The best bridges of pop this century can be found on Honeymoon.
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