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Everything posted by soaringHigh

  1. Nvm mod note: user was warned for this post
  2. soaringHigh

    Charli XCX

    Imagine Round & Round leaking in it’s properly mixed glory. Manifesting for the first time ever. It’s been 84 years…
  3. soaringHigh

    Charli XCX

    Just came in to say: the stems for this album must sound insane and the mixing on this is incredible, even the dolby atmos makes the experience pleasing. Just those little ªhs alone 😮‍💨
  4. Keep me posted if you find one please 😭 I have no chances ever of getting RSD releases and while I never care for RSDs Chemtrails is my favorite LDR album 😭
  5. The wah wahs in Living Legend joke aside. Thunder is the only right answer
  6. What Lana meant by sweet revenge. She doesn't even have to lift a finger to make critics finally show their true colours. Her mind!
  7. Which is why as opposed to many pop stars throughout my life, Lana has been the one who’s remained in my heart. It’s truly inspiring and comes off as deeply authentic to look up to someone who uses their platform in a “self-love” non-kitschy way. We are truly lucky to have her. It makes me connect with her on a personal level even if she doesn’t know I exist. 11 years and counting. <3
  8. I wish stores that sell records. we don’t even have a proper one here in my “city” put up LDR stuff. I mean they didn’t even bother putting up Chemtrails I HIGHLY DOUBT they’ll even care about BB unless it makes buzz. Either way I bought my two vinyl. It’s the first LDR album I double dip and I KNEW this was going to be an amazing one. But I want to go to a store and get my cd at least 🥺
  9. I wish we could back to the era of cds / buying music on itunes only so that I could give this album to every damn member of my family on christmas. It’s literally the perfect music for winter especially now that we are coming into winter daylight savings whatever time. It sucks how streaming has taken the magic off gifting music especially with an album like this… it’s so darn special.
  10. Should I keep both my yellow and white vinyl? Like I don’t see the point of having two of the same but I love the OG cover and color and I love the yellow contrasting the blue of the other one. And to justify myself even more this is shaping up to be my favorite album of hers (and no it’s not the hype talking). Also, I’m guessing these two variants will be the most rare so selling either or will make me regret my decision. Especially when I got both for 70 USD shipping incl.
  11. Remember when LFL leaked and people were speculating that the “Bitch” and “fucks” in cherry were intentionally added to the leak for those of us that listened early and that they were not going to be in the official release? This leak feels familiar in that sense and in the end we’re just going to get what we have atm so enjoy
  12. Tell me about it, I’ve been running on and on all day with a hope
  13. Lovely, my first warning. We’re making some good progress here
  14. I feel like the only people listening in HQ right now are those that actually bought the album in stores… is this gatekeeping at it’s finest? It is, but I’m fine with it not leaking in it’s best quality if that means build up towards it for the 22nd. And idk how to put spoilers (i forgot bear with me im 28 and old but if someone wants to share their actually HQ with me I promise it will be between you and I only, I already got my vinyl bundle and so yea.. User warned for this post. Don’t ask where to find leaks
  15. I haven't listened to it yet but the singles are amazingggg. I tried jumping into the hype but i need that 320kbps zip. Although I am excited seeing everyone's descriptions <3
  16. Lmao well I’ve been around for a WHILE but never post. But this album has it’s power for me to jump in more often than I do so. you might not know me but i do know you
  17. Go listen to your fave LDR song in spotify’s 128kbps setting and dassit
  18. No. Iistened to 30 seconds of BBS and it’s all muffled.. it’s listenable but don’t ruin it
  19. Yeppp quality is too bad… i am not allowing myself a quick fix (we just got COCC) by ruining my first listen with muffled out instrumentals (and perhaps also the vocals)
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