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Rust Dress

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Everything posted by Rust Dress

  1. you and i seem to be the only individuals with working eardrums
  2. your point? venice bitch and mariners had electric guitars
  3. i just burst out laughing HE BROUGHT NOTHING TO THE TABLE. he is over
  4. lustformoney has been shitting on jack’s guitars (and production) since the beginning of time i swear. when will it end
  5. @mods clock in and get your asses in here the lanatics are being delusional and making up LIES
  6. why are you here you are not welcome in this thread anymore
  7. no you’re not. atrl’s servers are shite
  8. “If bombastic means rich, grand instrumentation then yes they definitely did”
  9. idk im a little nervous. i have a feeling that this is album is going to be a little dark jazz oriented (which i have no problem with) but usually with insiders, their taste is… questionable. usually if they say they love something it ends up being the complete opposite
  10. ive been saying this from the beginning i knew dragon was a FAKE
  11. yeah… meant to take an hour nap but it ended up being a 10 hour nap
  12. Rust Dress

    Charli XCX

    can she come to new york again
  13. i cannot stand sonically incohesive albums. they are THE worst.
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