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Everything posted by drugsdesire

  1. well no because the person that posted that video (lana screen recorded it) posted pictures of protests which means that the person supports the movement and riots happening. if it bothered lana that much that people are protesting she would’ve spoken out about it way sooner.
  2. i’m sure she had no bad intentions with posting the video of people looting but that was a pretty bad move on her part
  3. I don’t have an issue with her posting those videos tbh. also the second pic wasn’t her and val at all, it was val and @subtlesoma on instagram. she may not have gone to the protests but if she wasn’t supporting the movement she clearly wouldn’t have posted the picture of her friends at the protests
  4. some of you care more about lana’s reputation than lana herself. please understand that this isn’t something where her words can be twisted again; IT’S THE MURDER OF AN INNOCENT BLACK MAN THAT WAS KILLED BY POLICE. it’s only right if she SPEAKS OUT, SAYS SOMETHING, POSTS A LINK, STANDS UP FOR PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, SHOW HER LOVE AND SUPPORT TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY. many of her fans have started turning their back on her and unstanning and that’s completely justified. it’s time for her to start recognizing her privilege and get herself out of her bubble. her not posting about BLM is speaking VOLUMES and everyone else who isn’t posting about it is saying a lot. this isn’t about her receiving backlash (she’s been there done that) it’s about having a VOICE for the people who struggle to get their voice out there. grow up and stop kissing her ass.
  5. the way some of you sound more ignorant and tone deaf than lana...
  6. idk about you guys but I’ve lost a lot of respect for LDR today...she’s so aware of everything and she still hasn’t said a word. she was active last night on ig and she couldn’t even bring herself to post anything regarding the black lives matter movement. insensitive and disgusting behaviour on her behalf. i hope she AT LEAST reposts a link for a petition
  7. she SHOULD post something but we all know she won’t. she dated a white cop, what do we expect?
  8. i remember in the grammy museum interview with her and jack she talked about how she won’t release an album until she has both the first and last track of the next album. so i seriously think that shes had so much time to write a full record and i really think this is coming september 4th/5th. very excited for this album and i love how we have no snippets or no idea what to expect so far
  9. honestly that would be the best thing ever! imagine her doing a live on her birthday with her blonde hair and summer tan swoooon
  10. she looks so sad and completely over it and I hate the media so much for twisting her words to THAT extent and I hate how sensitive everyone is nowadays that everything she does is gonna be turned into something it’s not just because of this stupid incident that shouldn’t have been a big deal at all. i really really hope she’s okay. yes, what she said was basically the same thing as the previous follow-up of the statement but she said that again because some people just don’t get it still. I’m glad that the fans know her good intentions but still disagree w her to some extent because that’s healthy. maybe this time those words won’t be twisted
  11. okay but COCC is so iconic..it’s gonna crack me up everytime i see the abbreviation
  12. this is gonna be an amazing album because it’s literally just gonna be elizabeth and not lana
  13. literally!!! when she speaks she usually has a smile on her face or a gleam in her eyes but now (idk if its because of the ig filter) her eyes look dull and she sounds tired and very nasal (perhaps shes been crying? I hope not)
  14. I’m definitely not into the name but if the music is still good then shiiiit I’m still here
  15. nope today was normal thank god
  16. does anyone know what show that was?
  17. my theory is that maybe she posted the poem from the second book as kind of an introduction to what the record may feel like. why would she post a poem from the second book if the first one isn’t even out yet unless it was a heads-up?
  18. “and here I am at 34 and what for?” yeah that really really worried me the second time I heard it
  19. oooh!! makes sense! thanks queen
  20. this is so beautiful I think it’s one of her most beautiful poems to date at first I thought it was gonna be cringy the second she mentioned sylvia but it turned out so well
  21. makes sense but does she say the I before gabapentin or no bc “and as I fell asleep I gabapentin...” doesn’t make sense
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