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Everything posted by sympathyisaknife

  1. It's also our fault for listening to him, I mean not to be shady or detract but literally everybody takes the word of insiders as being factual and real when it isn't. It's why I'm sick of this insider culture because not only is it screwing with people, it's just pointless.
  2. I'm so sick of insiders Like for fucks sake can we have an era with no leaks, no insider information, nothing. I want an era of total surprise.
  3. Because I feel like she ought to be recognized for her talents among her peers and therefor I believe she should get rewarded for this album in some capacity. So what if the album is more "low-key" or doesn't have any "Billboard 100" singles.. It's a good album, it's some of her best work, she ought to be recognized for said work.
  4. I don't want to be delusional but I hope this album gets a grammy or even nominated for one. It's some of her best song writing (IMO) and I think it deserves to have some form of recognition for it.
  5. sympathyisaknife


    Omg Sasha Twilo Mix my fav
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