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Everything posted by sympathyisaknife

  1. Uh oh! Joan Rivers doesn't like the fact she can't find where her emoji is! You have 24 hours before she shows up with a ak-47 loaded with altoids and m&m's!
  2. Speak up louder for the weirdos in the back
  3. Uh oh! Joan Rivers didn't quite like what you said! You have five minutes to delete what you said before she shows up outside your window!
  4. To make a long motherfucking story short, I didn't care for you a year ago and I still don't care for much of you. Pussy hoe.
  5. Little Fads can fight me all you want but just remember Lady G's best face will always be this!
  6. Baby even in 2022 her plastic surgery is not plastic surgerying!!! she looks just as bad as madonnie!
  7. sympathyisaknife

    Taylor Swift

    Need another taylors version like
  8. sympathyisaknife

    Taylor Swift

    Love Taylor and I'm sorry I can't share the excitement with yall. Just isn't hitting for me. Sounds like 1989 but scaled back. EDIT: I love 1989 and its my fav Taylor album however with this album I thought I was gonna hear something different.
  9. sympathyisaknife

    Taylor Swift

    Sad tbh. Anyways given I've only heard that song and part of anti hero it feels a bit 1989 to me tbh which is nice
  10. sympathyisaknife

    Taylor Swift

    so lana doesn't sing on snow on the beach? just some background vocals?
  11. sympathyisaknife

    Taylor Swift

    Spotify working for me so
  12. I try not to let the "noise" influence me
  13. This!!! I didn't realize questioning the mainstream narrative, questioning the forces behind it, questioning the true intentions behind everything makes one a "antivax conspiracy theorist"
  14. Part of me is glad I'm jabbed but part of me also wishes I didn't. I'm by no means anti vax, however the way my body reacted to the vaccine when I got it, both part a and part b, left me rather concerned.
  15. Count me in. I cannot get enough hydrocortisone cream right now. The front of my torso is literally covered in red welts from itching we're so real.. perhaps as real as bush being behind 9/11
  16. It literally still IS the biggest brainwashing experiment. Worst timing ever for a pandemic. At a time of political unrest.
  17. Hi, double vaxxed with no boosters Can back this statement up. My stepdad who had no vax's was fine by day three, meanwhile on my day three I still could barely move because of the fibromyalgia like body pain.
  18. beyonsay do u have any tips for lana
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