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Everything posted by sympathyisaknife

  1. Do yall think crazy for you will be on this album
  2. not someone uploading a fake album with all kpop songs.. i hatechu
  3. So.. Grammas Chicken Salad at the Democratic National Convention IS coming!
  4. in 1 hour its updated to say "I quit. Fuck yall."
  5. lets see ben mawsons feet! also who the fuck is ben mawson
  6. fucking starwars if you ever put a starwars movie on near me im ghosting you idgaf. still love carrie fisher though shes a queen I also HATE superhero movies like IDGAF if the super hero is curing leukemia like I WILL NOT WATCH IT!!
  7. i havent bothered to watch anything past cult. the seasons with jessica lange will forever be the best.
  8. im kind of psychic im sorry im such a mess lol xo i want btd visuals again tbh
  9. does anybody else hate glee? gay kids at my school werent laughing and singing.. they were fucking running for their LIVES
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