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Everything posted by sympathyisaknife

  1. Lana came onto IG and talked about how her car was robbed at melrose place a few months ago. During the robbery she had several things taken like her laptop, camcorders and a hard drive. Lana basically asks us to please remain respectful and not to consume any of this content or share it and assures us that she'll still make music. She also shared that her 200 page manuscript was lost in this robbery.
  2. Baby she already is a walking target Help this is so
  3. Transcription of Lana's latest IG Story Thank you for listening to that, guys. And now that I've posted it, I can put my hair down, go about my day and take the rest of the posts down now that I got to explain everything that's going on. So thanks again. Have a good one.
  4. I'm saying like physically strapped to her
  5. Stupid to you but probably is the proper thing to do at the moment.
  6. I sincerely hope nobody here is guilty of doing this to Lana. If anyone here is guilty of doing this to Lana, I want you to know I think you are utter scum and I hope I sincerely hope and pray you feel the same amount of pain that Lana must be feeling. You are a thug. I second this.
  7. She needs to leave the west coast and come to New England where she can hide in anonymity
  8. No. They're already somehow accessing her phone and leaking stuff from it. A cloud is just an invitation. She needs to store her music on physical media that she can keep on her person at all times, like a cd, a cassette tape, fuckin reel to reel.
  9. lets be real, it's most likely a stalker. I can count on my hand the number of crazy people I've learned about this year
  10. not me listening to cascada more than lg
  11. Well.. And especially considering reunification kinda fucked them over for the long run
  12. It's fine dw! Wouldn't have been so confusing if replies didn't merge
  13. I was being sarcastic with the first line and the second one was just commentary, not trolling
  14. The germans have been waiting for this to happen since 1945 Not people defending a literal Anschluss I have to laugh
  15. Can I Get A Bump by Ayesha Erotica And now I See Right Through To You by Dj Encore and Engelina omggg bop after bop
  16. She really took a dip and put her whole pussy into mother lake for this song when u think abt it
  17. the next best american record IS the best american record Felt. For me in 2018 that was Cherry.
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