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Everything posted by sympathyisaknife

  1. Yall still crying over a fucking stone ijbol and thats how you drag a hoe
  2. My fellow Irish people also represent something dark to me. Remember the IRA? Blowing up all those buildings and assassinations for what? Every side has their moments.
  3. Then I guess I just told you, a latinx, someone who is a POC! Anyways I'm done having an argument with little people that think they're so high and mighty because they want to take on generational trauma. I feel like I'm talking to a wall. You all can go ahead and live out your historical trauma fantasies.
  4. Y'all live such normal lives that as soon as you learn about some horrific event in history you're so desperate to relive it to cure your boredom.
  5. I don't care about the troubles. It didn't affect me. As far as I'm concerned the troubles mean nothing to me. And you know what, I'm not gonna spend the next three hours living in anger over something that didn't affect me. They toppled it because they were rioters.
  6. I'm Irish. And I can guarantee you I don't spend my life in misery thinking about what my ancestors went through. What happened to my ancestors happened in the past and it means little to nothing to me. I refuse to spend my life crying over events or other things that happened to my ancestors. If it didn't happen to me, IDGAF.
  7. Be fuckin fr. Last I knew, when Barbados declared independence she didn't send some sort of Wehrmacht to reclaim it! Yall are actually fucking braindead for crying over shit that occurred over a century ago that she had no personal involvement in. What happened in the past can remain in the past. Move. On.
  8. Be fuckin fr rn.. All you little anti monarchists just love to cry about every single little thing. Good god. Grow up.
  9. "But she was a bad person" we really dgaf.
  10. Mod team is gonna be sick of me with all these reports
  11. AND OPEN QVC UP SHE WOULDVE WANTED US TO SHOP IN HER MEMORY speaking of which whose gonna get her jewelery? and her shoes
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