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Candy Necklace

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Everything posted by Candy Necklace

  1. Bro and I thought our little Malibu discussion was bordering on doing too much, the energy got even worse here overnight
  2. Do you guys think she’ll wear the Marilyn wig? Imagine the theory of her wearing a different look from the music video is true and she comes out in the BTD wig or the Ride curls
  3. Wrong but I’m not going to keep going in loops. Have a good night/day depending on where you are!
  4. I genuinely want to know, are you reading what I’m saying? Because it really seems like you’re picking and choosing.
  5. You’re right, but the point I’m trying to make is hay there hasn’t been two separate released songs made from one concept demo. Like there isn’t two releases songs from Connection, there’s only Nectar of the Gods. The demo in TT x VB is literally a demo and not a separate song stemming from the same concept demo @Dior so no it doesn’t invalidate what I’m trying to say
  6. And also to anyone who wants to argue against leaks, just remember that if Living Legend, Cherry Blossom, Thunder, Nectar of the Gods, and Say Yes to Heaven, weren’t leaked they probably would’ve never seen the light of day. Most of those were YouTube rips officially released meaning she only remembered them because they leaked
  7. You’re literally using anything but logic and reason to prove your points so it’s honestly not even worth discussing this with you. anyways someone pls leak Malibu and the rest of the Lust for Life outtakes.
  8. Yes, we can use some context clues and put 2 and 2 together. but yes, she’s going to release this as is in leaked format. Guess what? She doesn’t care. Living Legend, Nectar of the Gods, and Cherry Blossom got released exactly as they leaked. Period. and I’m not trolling, I’m genuinely trying to understand why you think a concept demo would be released. Are you forgetting she’s signed to a major record label? They let her get away with a lot but I doubt they would approve a concept demo being released.
  9. What isn’t clicking, Say Yes To Heaven has so many versions but only 1 is officially released, so does Cherry Blossom, Black Beauty, LMLYLAW. Get Free is the final released version of Malibu. Unless I’m extremely stupid and never realized she released more than one version of those, it’s never happened.
  10. We aren’t Lana but we have history and precedent to go off of. She has never made 2 so similar that they might as well be the same. Key word: released. I’m sure there’s lots of similar outtakes out there, feel free to share them with the group!!
  11. Bro read what I’m saying. The finalized song that Malibu is for is released. She has never made and released 2 versions of the same song from the same concept demo. Literally what you’re saying is right Methamphetamines became Old Money but only Old Money was released. I’m not going to try debating privacy and the morality of leaks. I’ve got my opinions and you’ve got your own. I know I respect Lana and will never wish anything bad on her. I’m not even trolling I’m just genuinely concerned as to how you can’t understand that there will be no other song coming out of Malibu.
  12. It seems like you’re kinda new to Lana so here’s a couple points 1. Malibu is a concept demo of Get Free, leaking this isn’t like when TNBAR leaked months ahead of LFL and then an updated version was on NFR. The final song exists and is released, she’s not going to make another song off this. Nectar of the Gods also has a concept demo, look up Connection (or don’t since you’re apparently against leaks) 2. You’re on the wrong site if you’re going to be discussing the morality behind leaks. Usually you’ll have some type of valid argument if it’s an upcoming work but this is literally stuff from like 7 years ago, leaks happen with every artist. 3. This forum does respect her privacy, literally go back to the og thread of when her car got broken into, the Brasil incident, or anything else. No one is wishing any negative on her. It’s a normal thing to be curious and want to listen to more content. It’s a little weird to be equating a leaked song to stalking.
  13. My order from Rob’s store shipped on the 8th and arrived yesterday (22nd) so about 2 weeks?
  14. I just got mine today and I got 139/1000!
  15. The idea of being Nikki Lane and seeing how much Lana stans do too much on your name is so funny to me. Like when something goes wrong it’s always “I blame Nikki Lane for this”
  16. Yeah I’m not buying that Honeymouns list. He’s been wrong several times now + White Hot Forever was mentioned literally right when she released NFR…and she worked on NFR up until July 2019.
  17. I wonder if there’s trap mixes of any other NFR song since we know that’s where Taco Truck x VB originated and Jimmy
  18. The ending of the Chemtrails music video. I wish she would’ve kept this in the released version of the song
  19. Hoping we get Honeymoon and Lust for Life for their anniversaries!
  20. 111 try not make something about yourself challenge
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