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Candy Necklace

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Everything posted by Candy Necklace

  1. Yeah same, I was so used to the OG that the vocals were a bit jarring at first but now I fully love it
  2. The link has been posted several times in this thread. Go back and look through the past few pages
  3. I know the chances are small but I hope she performs a longer version of A&W tonight
  4. The good thing about it being streamed on tiktok is that it will reach a bigger audience and boost her streaming numbers even more
  5. Would you consider Hollywood Bowl a “happy” song?
  6. It’s out on Apple Music! it’s really beautiful, Lana sings for a little over half the song
  7. It’s an account called “Create Fan Made”, I don’t think so
  8. A few more thoughts on why she was so emotional during The Grants going into Flipside, We already know that whatever Sean Larkin did to her was fucked up and she still hasn't gotten over it. Proof being the A&W lyrics, car video, and the billboard in Tulsa among other things. I took The Grants to be a song about her family, but I never really payed attention to the first verse So you say there's a chance for us Should I do a dance for once? You're a family man, but, but and in the performance she added there's always a but I think this confirms this song is about Sean too. The she transitions into Flipside Or are you gonna hurt me later? Are you gonna go to town? Maybe you should play it safer So you think you're in charge? Do you? Actin' like a big shot I'm sure So you think you're in charge? Do you? You're actin' like a big shot At first I thought it was a little random to bring out Flipside, especially after The Grants (as much as I love Flipside- she barely ever acknowledged it) but it makes sense now, she's probably feeling those emotions all over again but this time with Sean.
  9. This is up there with the Cook County prison pic in pictures that scream Lana Del Rey
  10. I still can’t get over how happy she looked since she walked on stage. also I would not take The Grants off the set list, it’s not in my favorite off Ocean Blvd but the live performance was so good
  11. The transition from The Grants to Flipside literally sent chills down my back
  12. I’m honestly not mad at all at the set list. Of course there’s things I would change but I like it
  13. Not surprised at all that she sang Arcadia. Wish she would’ve done Tulsa Jesus Freak instead of white Mustang though
  14. Love Blue Banisters but that song should not be played at festivals so I’m glad about that
  15. The way some fans haven’t learned not to ask after the Blue Banisters live last year
  16. Then it’ll be just in time for the holiday season so Lana can cement herself as a Christmas icon! SOTB already gives Christmas classic vibes. Honestly here for it
  17. it’s one thing to call this a cash grab.. which I’ll admit it kinda is, but some of you guys are taking it way too personally. It can’t be good for your health
  18. Sweetener 1. raindrops 2. no tears left to cry (with extended intro from music video) 3. God is a woman 4. the light is coming 5. R.E.M 6. sweetener 7. successful 8. on top of everything 9. everytime 10. my way 11. incline 12. better off 13. breathin 14. ever been 15. goodnight n go 16. get well soon Deluxe 17. more 18. wifey 19. chasing on occasion 20. you
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