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Candy Necklace

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Everything posted by Candy Necklace

  1. Cherry can stay, we need a LFL song and Cherry is fun. PWYC can be swapped though
  2. now which one of you guys is bringing up Acid in the livestream…
  3. Will never forget my first time listening to Music To Watch Boys To, I haven't listened to Honeymoon as a whole in awhile, but for the longest time it was my favorite album. I've always thought it sounded like a hot mid-summer day when it's so hot out that you don't want to do anything so you have to sit with nothing but your thoughts, it's that kind of day today
  4. Lmao I remember it being a big deal on like tumblr or something because of the Lady Gaga diss
  5. Became a fan at 13 in 2013. One of the first things I heard was So Legit
  6. Well this is definitely an opinion
  7. I personally don’t take issue with the music video but the way some people express their opinions publicly is weird
  8. Also doesn’t Nikocado Avocado have a pretty successful OnlyFans?
  9. All this is exposing the type of person that user is and that’s not a good thing I don’t even like Troye Sivan lmao
  10. NYC isn’t the world and I’m not saying you can’t have your own preferences Are you telling me you’ve never seen a fat person be married? Have kids? These things don’t happen without someone finding you attractive
  11. Some of these posts are from what I’d expect from a 15 year old troll, not a 25 year old grown adult. Nothing wrong with having your own preferences but some things should be kept literally to yourself and at most between your friends. Not posted on a public forum
  12. This is embarrassing to admit but I thought your profile pic was Doja Cat’s Hot Pink album cover but I’m just now realizing it’s not
  13. That’ll get a weight off their chest for sure but I’m not sure it’s enough to win ultimate insider leaking Silverlake, LA Who Am I, Kill Cry Die or Paradise (2015) with it would be enough though !
  14. This is what I’ve always wanted Lanaboards to collectively do, ignore him for a good month and watch how much will leak
  15. The only resolution we’ve come to is Rob Grant ultimate insider, Lana is still contested. Let the best leak win!
  16. The several turns this thread has taken LMAO
  17. I’ll give you that one, Rob Grant Ultimate Insider 2023
  18. It’s really funny how dior has become such a character to this site so quickly
  19. The way you came in this thread and proved my point in the very first post is honestly admirable
  20. Unreleased Syndrome is out, Ultimate Insider is in. The way Strangelove is connected to everything, in Strangeloves own words…oh wow
  21. Not Strangelove being exposed in the Ultimate Insider thread, how did we get here
  22. It’s the truth and we all know it!! Shut us up and leak something from post 2017
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