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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. i need more time with it but right now my album ranking hasn't really changed lol
  2. It’s funny cause I wasn’t at all but okay ??? Never seen you on this site before
  3. banned bc lana never put out the pawn shop blues video
  4. She used to perform like she was nervous but excited. Then eventually she seemed to get over the stage fright and actually started to enjoy herself (Endless Summer tour she seemed really comfortable and fun on stage). and somehow that gradually that devolved to her boredly sitting on stage vaping and holding the mic out to the audience for like...entire songs. And reading the lyrics off her phone she passed comfort and has now achieved “complacency” and girl I am salty about it. I would not pay to go to a Lana concert post 2018
  5. I didn’t wanna be the one to say it
  6. i hear you and i understand but this is the internet so this kind of what we do here
  7. i want my cake and i wanna eat it too i wanna have fun and be in love with you i know that i'm a mess with my long hair and my sun tan, short dress, bare feet i don't care what they say about me, what they say about me, because i know that it's l-o-v-e
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