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Everything posted by Lustformoney

  1. Cuz lb is full of positive hags who would stream her farts (before i get dragged im not saying the song bad) im sure the song will get better when i memorize the lyrics aka in 5 years maybe
  2. Went back to read the AW release reactions… the collapse of the century and her best song fr
  3. I caved in and listened to fingertips. Well This is the kind of song that u have to force urself into liking and then maybe eventualy u will like it
  4. I havent streamed yet but im most excited for peppers
  5. But the week is ending tonight and stream party is the only „suprise” that happened this week
  6. Its never that easy for them. Ive been called a fucking bitch for saying i dont like piano songs. always the „positive” ones
  7. Where can i buy the amazon vinyl? Minus the amazon cuz delivery is expensive af
  8. I just realized my record store has a Syml performing tomorrow and then lana album party on wednesday in POLAND?? is this a real life
  9. At my location theyre saying theyre playing the album+ giving the posters and that there will be a SUPRISE
  10. Imma go just for the experience. I dont remember my first stream anyways
  11. Streaming party starts at 4pm for me and i have work at 6pm so im gonna have to stream it and Uber my ass straight to work the chokehold this woman has on me
  12. Is this all of the cn „drama” that bozo was talking about? We need to stop believing him
  13. Or maybe i just like the mess as a lfl stan but mess>>>>album sounding like 1 long song
  14. For me she cant do anything worse than Love song, happiness, lmlylaw and all those cringe piano songs. And ill eat up every bop But we will see
  15. Why r ppl hating the album „a mess” u really want a 10 honest piano songs or what
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