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Everything posted by Lustformoney

  1. thinking about how most of us dont anticipate Bus that much and tbh this might be an effect of seeing lana sing it live when i hear Bus, i see that video of lana in those cowboy boots standing in a barn while rednecks slow dance to the song. I regret watching those videos and hearing the song
  2. hgdfshgdf i was supposed to go to cabin in mountains for American standards n classics album release but thankfully the hotels got closed bc of covid
  3. not you comparing a lyrical passionate masterpiece Groupie Love to Lmlylaw with 3 lines of lyrics repeated over n over (i still love lmlylaw but lets be real)
  4. ladies and gays we r officially 19 days away which was also the time from cocc teaser and cocc release. we got this
  5. Album produced by grimes would be a dream but i think lana ditched all of her famous friends after 2017
  6. OMFG a new album just got suprise dropped on spotify????? its called Honeymoon lets go stream it
  7. i mean it was on playlists and music podcasts yesterday were announcing white dress is coming today so it was obviously delayed in the last minute
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