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Everything posted by Lustformoney

  1. The lattm tour n 2019 festival tour were ok but the nfr was a joke
  2. Which one of you clowns is spreading misinformation again... The comments https://www.instagram.com/p/CMF38L3HYzP/?igshid=4k66t3wwurrz
  3. Even if it was delayed, it would leak from one of the million of music shops chill besties
  4. Guys its so scary n overwhelming, we r gonna have 8 brand new songs at once, no snippets, no nothing we always had the previews n this time nothing. Im scared i wont handle this
  5. Desert rock screamy masterpiece by Zach that includes Dealer, Noir and Raise me up
  6. god this is so dry n boring, i feel like its october when we knew nothing, had nothing and lana was staying quiet it really doesnt feel like its coming in 2 weeks
  7. and her voice drives me crazy, she just screams all the time
  8. they wont i asked Ben about this and mentioned Grimes changing her cover and he deleted the comment after like a minute
  9. yeah hate might be a bad word, i just dont care about it at all
  10. i hate Violet and couldnt care less about the second upcoming book i read it once and its sitting on my shelf
  11. i just realized that cocc is coming on thursday midnight, not friday midnight and ive already planned the whole friday i have classes on thursday
  12. just when i i bough it for 60 euro in a shady dutch store
  13. Omg same cocc is the only thing ive been looking forward to for the past year. Idk what im gonna do after march 19. No cocc thread with meltdowns n fights. No anticipation
  14. The fact that we would be listening to cocc in one hour, if it wasnt for vinyls in 10 shades of mould
  15. this is the same site who showed that cds are coming out on jan 8th, they dont know shit
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