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Everything posted by Lustformoney

  1. pls just when he had a meltdown and promised to not come here again, suddenly he heard the album
  2. she really ruined lmlylaw by making it a single. why does she always make the worst choices
  3. i just realized that White dress has also a guitar and drums so maybe it wont be a total flop
  4. i manifested it. My classes have been rescheduled. Cant wait till i celebrate will yall on the 19th
  5. Im depressed cuz on 19th i will have classes that I cant miss im praying that they cancel bc of corona
  6. The fact that everyone is embarassed of the original cover even jimmy fallon reposted the alt cover instead
  7. I cant wait till i play the whole album and when title track will be ending i hear boom boom boom boom boom boom sssss (silence) YOU SHOULD STAY THAT CLOSE TO JEEEEESUS transition
  8. isnt the poetry book supposed to come this month? how much do u wanna bet that its delayed till 2022 and the next album will come in late 2023
  9. Did she tag lana multiple times just to fool us into giving her 1$ on patreon
  10. help thats my city, i knew i recognized it from somewhere the streets there r always full and yes we ate LFL up i mean lemme ask the audience
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