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Everything posted by prettywhenimhigh

  1. elle pulling up her phone to check how lanaboards is doing in the middle of her friend's wedding to see nothing but off topic posts and mariah gifs madness:
  2. yeah he literally called her and yelled at her for hours on the phone because love leaked and people were sharing links here
  3. we ask ourselves from time to time maybe she does because ben almost called the cops on elle to shut down this website but we're not sure
  4. true! imagine an electric guitar outro
  5. I'm actually fine with the song length, I think it could get annoyingly repetitive if it was a minute longer
  7. 26 minutes!!! I'm not the biggest marina fan but this era made me excited for her again, can't wait to finally listen to this song
  8. yeah, I absolutely agree, if this is the new direction she's taking (and I don't blame her for wanting to persue a lowkey singer-songwriter career), it will be very difficult for us to stan her like a regular pop star like we did for the previous eras, and we are mostly here because of these previous eras it's just that her old music keeps talking to the teens, as the "inital fanbase" we grew up with her, but she keeps gaining teen fans so maybe her future projects will continue to follow the steps of COCC until she no longer have that inital appeal to teenagers and that includes the whole LDR persona she built in the first place and the reason we fell in love with her I'm supporting her no matter her decision because I am changing my ways too and I kinda relate to her wanting a more lowkey life and obviously her music is just the most beautiful thing and she's my favorite artist for that reason, but yeah, changes are difficult and we have to get used to the new LDR if we don't want to keep getting disappointed again, I can be very wrong about all of this and her behaviour is "strange" because of the last couple of years and the media and twitter trashing her every oppurtunity they get, just a guess
  9. I've been thinking about this lately, I genuinely think she's not really fond of having a teenager fanbase and she wishes she was like joan baez or whoever is her idol she doesn't like stans, doesn't like having to do the obligations of a regular pop star (promos, performances, photoshoots) she just wants to be acclaimed like a singer-songwriter like her idols from previous decades I can be very wrong about this, but she's giving me this feeling
  10. I don't think it's the case, she needed a fresh air after working on 3 projects with him but if this happened it was very unprofessional of him to do that imo
  11. no he did the alt cover, chuck shot the standard album cover
  12. yeah RIP the amazing concept we created in our minds
  13. I'm starting to think this album will have nothing to do with revenge, I'm getting the feeling it's the same situation when she describes her next album and it end up sounding nothing like she said my expectations for this album is honestly at the lowest bar possible right now, even though I'm still in love with the 3 singles I just don't think she's gonna pull half of the things we're expecting in terms of revenge and such, only the "I'm telling my own story" thing seems legit
  14. you're gonna hit me like liiiightniiing
  15. PERIODT and the choreo is so sexy and fun to do, I love everything related to white mustang the retro futuristic vibes of the music video, I wish we saw more of that
  16. because she dropped 3 full songs in advance, otherwise...
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