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bel air rose

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Posts posted by bel air rose

  1. the lyrics of white dress of her reminiscing about before she was famous and just starting out reminds me of this sad and haunting excerpt from valley of the dolls, 


    You’ve got to climb to the top of Mount Everest
    to reach the Valley of the Dolls.
    It’s a brutal climb to reach that peak, 
    which so few have seen.
    You never knew what was really up there, 
    but the last thing you expected to find
    was the Valley of the Dolls.
    You stand there, waiting for
    the rush of exhilaration
    you’d thought you’d feel - but
    it doesn’t come.
    You’re too far away to hear the applause
    and take your bows.
    And there’s no place left to climb.
    You’re alone, and
    the feeling of loneliness is overpowering.
    The air is so thin you can scarcely breathe.
    You’ve made it - and the world says 
    you’re a hero.
    But it was more fun at the bottom
    when you started,
    with nothing more than hope and 
    the dream of fulfillment.
    All you saw was the top of that mountain - 
    there was no one to tell you
    about the Valley of the Dolls.
    But it’s different
    when you reach the summit.
    The elements have left you battered, 
    deafened, sightless - and too weary
    to enjoy your victory.”


  2. 2 minutes ago, HydroponicWeeds said:

    being realistic, unless she worked with rick or someone else recently, it's more than likely going to be with him. it explains why cocc was so short and why dealer was left off-- she already had extra songs, enough to compile a full album and she already planned this months before

    if we’re being realistic she’s most likely working with zach. lana wasn’t even able to finish chemtrails w jack because he lives on the other side of the country, hence why she recorded dealer, summertime, and the covers album with zach 

  3. rn feels like an episode in a show where they just recap everything that happened and ur kinda annoyed bc u wanna just get to the finale. idk if anyone knows what i’m talking about but let’s look back 


    -alex parliament threatening to send an email to the guy who masters lanas music and tell him we are ungrateful fans 

    -bullying nicole nodland into deactivating her account 

    -when roman dmed ed and he said the record wasn’t done. then users harassing roman insisting the screenshot was fake bc they counted the pixels

    -keeping constant tabs on lanas nail color for some reason 

    -that guy who put up a fake review in september and said the song “dolphin flower” was alright

    -sheridan’s famous threat “3 days and 4 midnights” 


    -seafoam nova


    -when we all convinced ourselves the pic of lana wearing a mesh mask with a fan at rite aid was fake then a few weeks later she wore it again at her book event :toofloppy:

    -jared sneaking in the thread every full moon to say lana sucks and he wants to marry jack

    -when hasley herself invaded the thread with scat and no mod was in sight 

    -when we all watched jimmy fallon live and gal gadot ate taco bell and ho hos. then when lana performed they spelt her name wrong

    -also him holding up the lmlylaw cover on tv 

    -finding every song title on shazam and even the iphone album cover 


    i’m gonna end here but that was fun 

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