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bel air rose

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Posts posted by bel air rose

  1. 1 minute ago, Elle said:

    Big Red Machine's performance wasn't the one shown in the trailer, but Shamir's was..

    I'm hoping that they just used old clips in the trailer for the artists who hadn't yet submitted their performance when they were putting together the trailer.

    trying to stay hopeful that we won't just be shown the Summertime music video :pray2:

    lana is a last min kinda gal so... :ma:

  2. 8 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    Thank you so much @takeitdoen for that lovely shoutout! <3 I really appreciate your contributions to this site, I think you’re an amazing voice of reason with a lot of intelligent ideas and you’re super articulate :flutter: legend behaviour :oprah:

    and thank you @May Fucking Jailer for the lovely shoutout as well! You’re too kind :kiss:


    I would also like to campaign for a few users! 



    @LemonadeHeavens the way I voted for you for so many categories omg... :wowcry: queen :wub:. This user can always be found throughout the threads, always offering tidbits of information and sharing really insightful ideas. Not to mention - her music taste is IMPECCABLE! LB’s resident Lizzy Grant fanatic :wub: love her <3 LIPSTER OF THE YEAR <333


    @past the bushes @conceptart47 @Nikogo @Fart Deco you guys just joined the boards this year but it feels like ages with how easy and enriching it is to discuss things with you guys! I think you guys bring the best energy all around and you guys are some of my favs around here. Absolute legends <3


    @Elle @electra - not only are you ladies so beautiful (Lipster *Mommies of the Year :brows:) but your dedication to Lana is inspiring - I really love seeing your collections and it warms my heart to see kind and knowledgeable fans like you two who are able to offer so much insight on Lana and spread joy with your presence. <3 


    @xxmissdaytonaxx love this girl - she is the best and is down for anything and everything; from being delusional in the COTCC thread to bringing us such much-needed realism, to even including us in her AMAZING journalism - this girl brings the best energy and knows how to have fun and contribute meaningfully to the conversation. <3 


     @drugsdesire @bel air roseyou guys are the coolest and really make the boards so much fun! I love the way you guys participate in the conversation around here and your whole vibe! It radiates through my screen lol - your usernames are also so euphonic and sound so good to the ear. Literary legends <3



    @cherri @CHANEL #1 love your guys’ art! @cherri your paintings are GORGEOUS and your style is so incredibly and uniquely you, I love it so much <3 talent unmatched :oprah: @CHANEL #1 I love your edits so much - your cassette collection is to die for. Your style is so refined and has such a professional, sleek quality to it while also having so much character. You know how to serve a visual!

    @DCooper @Pico Boulevard @recklessdaughter @rightofjupiter I love how you guys are so passionate about Lana’s work and how I can always discuss ideas so intellectually with you. I feel that your hearts are always in the right place and you guys are the kindest and most down to earth members here. You guys are some of my favourite members! <3 love you :kiss:

    @new gods @cinnamongirI @Lustformoney @MAX DEL REY @gsnlp @VioletBunny @RormanNockwell @takeitdoen @May Fucking Jailer @Dominikx4 @Yosemite @Doll Harlow @UltraHeroin @HydroponicWeeds @Paris Hilton @sweetcinnamoncherry and anyone else who I’m such a fan of on here that I may have forgotten - love your contributions to this site and really love the insight you bring to the conversation regarding our favourite artist! <33




    u are truly an angel. u contribute so much to lanaboards but most of all thank u for all ur optimism- you truly never have anything negative to say and always see the bright side of things and that’s such an amazing quality to have :kiss:

  3. 14 minutes ago, JehovahThikness said:

    honestly not a big fan of her background singers in summertime and the live lmlylaw performance, i feel like they don't really work with her voice (i thought the audience was singing along in the live lmlylaw performance tbh :toofunny:) . they're great in thunder though

    kinda agree with this. i think at times they work like in thunder but i didn’t really think they fit into lmlylaw 

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