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bel air rose

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Posts posted by bel air rose

  1. 5 minutes ago, past the bushes said:

    Also, people saying she should shut up? Or that she should try to keep her mouth shut? :toofloppy:

    yeah I don’t understand the constant hate, especially on this forum. 


    I fully understand if u wanna vent any frustrations, but it seems like some users only come on here to constantly criticize her 


    say ur peace and log out lol :gasp:

  2. 4 minutes ago, Downtown Baby Doll said:

    Also I want to believe she voted for Biden/Harris (and I do think she did), but she absolutely has not “made it clear” who she voted for

    i mean if u look at her recent retweets on twitter i think it’s pretty obvious who she voted for

  3. 27 minutes ago, sjatib said:

    Wasn't the  poetry reading closed because she refused to wear a proper mask? If she had a filter sewn under hers, wouldnt it have been easier to just tell the police about it?

    pretty sure someone who was there debunked that and said they were jokingly saying they need to end the signing before the health department shuts them down

  4. i think this cover album has a huge potential to be amazing 


    a lot of the american standard songs are from the golden age of jazz- if this is what she’s referring to i think we’re in for something pretty special 


    im only sad about not seeing the album cover and tracklist for god knows how long :rip:


    also, I still think we’ll get the mv soon, i would HOPE everyone including brthr wouldn’t be teasing it if it wasn’t coming out soon but if we learned anything this era it’s trust no one

  5. 9 hours ago, expandableclitoris said:

    i'm begging God that he has talk some sense into her head that made her add Mothers Daughters / Slide Away :facepalm:

    tbh I wouldn’t want either of these songs on the album, i’d rather have all new songs 

    im actually suprised how many people wanted them to be included, they’re good songs but they’ve been out for like a year now 

  6. On 10/20/2020 at 6:40 AM, bored said:

    Has Miley ever left easter eggs before, throughout an album campaign? I wonder if she's dropping clues in these last few performances...


    Backyard Sessions: she had vinyl/plastic hearts hanging from her tree, could be referencing the song "Plastic Hearts"

    deleted Instagram post: a photo of Miley in the background with the text "WTF Do I...", referencing the song "WTF Do I Know?"

    Save Our Stages: she wore a top that said "angel" could be a clue about "Angels Like You"

    omg ur mind..... :wowcry:

  7. 1 hour ago, cherrysadwine said:

    i liked the video. videogames vibes, with a little less glamour. BUT WHAT'S WITH THE FUCKING COP LADY that's not ok.

    y’all need to relax, i hate the cop but he was in 2 seconds of the video and his head was cut off. this video was obviously a montage of her time in between the 2 records, it’s not like they’re dating anymore he was just apart of that time in her life 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Clampigirl said:

    I kind of agree, but is it wrong to wish for a tiny bit more commitment when it comes to cover arts and videos? She's a pretty big star now, not a soundcloud artist who has to do everything themselves.

    agreed, I don’t mind this messy (but cute) montage visualizer to the song but I do expect more from the title track and artistry for the rest of the album. from the start of her career she always captured her music so beautifully in pictures and videos and it’s out of character almost to abandon that

  9. ok so the video was a bit of a mess but she didn’t make a big deal about it so I think it served it’s purpose for just being a cute little visualizer. 

    to me, I saw it as a goodbye to nfr and hello to chemtrails. the video shows footage of her traveling to the midwest on her tour and ends with her on set for chemtrails. to me it’s a bridge between the 2 and i’m happy we got a little something :smile4:

  10. 5 minutes ago, xxmissdaytonaxx said:


    i’ll probs play it for my dad later today cuz he like lana. but i have a feeling he’ll be like “i WiSh ShE wOuLd Go BaCk tO hEr bOrN tO DiE sOnGs”


    he’s obviously a local and likes BTD the best and not the biggest fan of NFR and newer stuff except FIILY. so i doubt he’ll like the new single. 

    ur dad is a btd local IM SCREAMING:thumb3:

    ok but still TASTE. I never share her music w my friends or family bc it feels so personal but I always wanted to :wowcry:

    although my boyfriend doesn’t mind listening in the car but that’s about it 

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