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bel air rose

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Posts posted by bel air rose

  1. 8 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said:

    The bitch didn't even wanna sing any of Norman's songs on tour. She literally said Cinnamon was a "bad song" and when she was coerced into singing other NFR songs by fans she gave up halfway through and even stomped out of a venue during Venice Bitch, so I'm reasonably sure she would have zero incentive to release COCC on Norman's birthday.

    maybe then this album won’t sound like nfr like we’re all speculating... :die:

  2. 4 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:



    Maybe her releasing the album on a Saturday wasn't a miscommunication, but rather an act of rebellion - and symbolic in the sense that it is redemption for Saturday Night Live in 2012, which can be coupled with her Question for the Culture post. Also, with the album's strategic release date being redemptive of SNL, it also ties in with Tulsa Jesus Freak when we interpret redemption as a biblical thing.  Also note Jack tweeting variants of "take the sadness out of Saturday night" - teasing Lana lyrics that deal with her feelings regarding the whole SNL debacle and its unfortunate attribution  to her image early on in her career? The decision to release the album on a Saturday would be really clever on her part for the aforementioned reasons.


    Sheridan said "3 days and 4 midnights to go" - maybe that means one thing is coming once 3 days have passed (August 26, 27, 28) and once 4 midnights have occurred (August 26, 27, 28, 29). The album could be coming on Saturday, August 29th then. Sheridan's post made it seem like it was a surprise planned with his use of emojis - what better surprise than an album that Lana said she wanted to release as a surprise! It would also line up with NFR's 1 year anniversary and then qualify for the 2021 Grammy's, which could also be Lana's way of saying that no matter what kind of album she releases, her music is of a very high calibre, which again, relates back to the Question for the Culture. 


    Call me delusional (which I probably am), but we know Lana Del Rey loves a good full-circle, super metacognitive and metaphorical moment - well, this could be it!

    album coming saturday confirmed tenor.gif?itemid=17652738

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