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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. me signing off on the demolition of the tunnel just cause some of y’all pjssing me off!!!!
  2. who is this like did you get a picture of a random man fishing or is this robs father😭
  3. Some of y’all are real mean for no reason and it’s not nice! There I said it!
  4. the oceanblvd the movie acc bio changing to “i just wanted to revive the forum” oh baby @imenosi will never let these girls hurt you
  5. Omg this is lovely.. Mer proving good luck to all you lanaboardians entering
  6. Kintsugi giveth (production credits) but he also taketh away (revealing jack is the main producer)
  7. I woke up at 6am and I stared blankly at my phone wondering why I didn’t have a post notification for oceanblvd
  8. when @Louiseaccidentally corrupts the website’s code and destroys Lanaboards forever
  9. One time on a video game I didn’t want to join a voice chat so I said I was deaf and then I became their close friend and had to pretend I was deaf but started talking about listening to music and they called me out for it this just reminds me of that x
  10. If it was slowly restoring things, it’s following tab would be increasing as well. Not a chance it’s an old account!
  11. Idk, when the account first appeared it had zero tagged content and then a few appeared (after people on here said they’d edited their posts to tag her) and since then there’s been more showing up.
  12. it’s so bad and i never turn their post notifs off so i get like 20 notifications a day from people i don’t even remember anymore i did have to unfollow Mike dean’s girlfriend though .. her ass posted a lil too much
  13. i follow everyone Lana interacts with in case they post a sneaky story or something and it popped up that the two girls i just followed were also following oceanblvd and i might know them too😭
  14. The inter scope girlies setting up the account and seeing “lanafan873” follow within 5 seconds
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