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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. Also BOZ said he’s not sure if the collabs will be credited on streaming so I feel like that means they’re not credited on the tracklist. Does that affect how we’re placing titles?
  2. I think the grandfather and fishtails title were both scrobbled but they had weird capitalisations (grAndfaTheR etc) and peppers was scrobbled around the same time like “PePpeRs” so we think it’s from the same source.
  3. Now I might be getting confused but didn’t something Kintsugi say suggest that CN isn’t featuring Jon Baptiste?
  4. Fishtails is the Judah smith interlude according to Wikipedia.. now what’s that got to do with a pastor’s sermon
  5. Yeah it was on a music registry site on the 27th of December along with Fishtails but obviously we just totally ignored it Kintsugi said another title is his nickname. His username is obv kintsugi but his username before that was Burn me where you belong. He was also referred to as King directly before that which I think is worth noting
  6. I fear @The Stargirl Pinky found it on a site on the 27th of December and it slipped into the subconscious of @Fingertipsim sorry to say
  7. Just today, I think we only settled on it being that title today. Someone said it was posted recently, BOZ said he’d seen it ALMOST right (it was posted originally with a grammatical error, his instead of he’s), then we just decided it Must be this bc nothing else really fits. Kintsugi also said the first word was 👴
  8. BOZ essentially confirmed it I think.. someone said the grandfather song (full title) will win SOTY at the Grammys and he replied saying “it deserves it” or something
  9. when the credits roll and it says in big writing “in memory of Jerry”
  10. Jerry met me down on the boulevard Cried on his fin 'cause life is hard The waves came in over my head What you been up to, my fishy?
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