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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. THIS. it sounds like really dull, it’s all technically correct and good but it’s just so cramped I guess? it’s like everything’s been equalised and there’s no depth to it.
  2. Period.. both devils in my eyes. but my main enemy is, and always will be, laura sisk
  3. I think seriously that you can’t listen to California and think the issue is the melody. It’s a gorgeous melody, gorgeous instruments, but the mixing is off. It feels like there’s a dampener on it that just stops it building. I can’t explain it but California in my eyes should’ve been her best song and unfortunately the production on it just ruins it.
  4. Imagine Lana was telling Jack to stop stripping it back but the Wi-Fi was cutting out so he didn’t hear the ‘stop’ part and stripped it back a little bit more instead.. yep that’s what happened I’ve decided.
  5. okay y’all I’m off to bed it’s been lovely chatting to you all today thank you for the giggles .. goodnight @111
  6. Fingertips to me is looking like it’s going to be the snooze of the album with her lyrics tease.. however I’m actually super excited about the pastor interlude. I can’t wait to see how chaotic it’ll be.
  7. I kinda don’t care for them omg but like I eat them all the time just because they’re good I guess
  8. It was scrobbled along with Grandfather and Fishtails with the same stylisation. Other than that, we have no confirmation or hint about it at all.
  9. Wait actually since the sample thing, we know the producer credits for all songs right? So the Tommy Genesis sample has to be a song only Tommy produced and in 2015 there’s only two - Hate Demon and Eden. So it has to be one of those songs?
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