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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. lana please i don’t want another political song.. why are we talking about trump in 2022
  2. now why is there so many tunnels under so many ocean boulevards
  3. catching strays left right and centre baby
  4. we did have a low point where a select few members almost killed the vibe because BOZ said he liked NFR but we got over it quickly 🫶🫶
  5. Insiders spilling always gets me more hyped than lana spilling.. so much more to talk about
  6. idk what to do anymore omg there’s only so much my brain can take
  7. BOZ tweeted it and I think we assumed it was LDR9. He just said “I love (acronym)”
  8. I’m so excited I just ate my advent calendar in one go omg
  9. I think it’s the acronym BOZ teased relating to LDR9.. i just copy pasted it from the excel
  10. ik😭😭😭 the way she posted a tiktok with that date an hour before I sent the email and she’s questioning me..
  11. Okay so I emailed that tiktoker record store and this is the exchange.. nothing informative but how are we interpreting this reply!
  12. Wait so is is the album? GPSOTSOMFWHDF G- P- S- Storyteller O- T- S- O- M- F- W- H- D- did you know there’s a tunnel under ocean boulevard F-
  13. I don’t really get what he means by this. How would we have been able to know the name of Tunnel for weeks? I know we’ve known the name of Tunnel from the snippet but not the full title - how would we have been able to get that? am I missing something? Also, “for weeks now” - that makes me think it’s not something related to the snippet (months old). Am I making sense?
  14. what is wrong with some of you people 😭😭😭😭😭
  15. When she announces the unreleased album instead of LDR9 and it’s full of songs we’ve already had for years
  16. ATRL!! He said “random user on the last page spilled” and the only thing I really think it referred to is “a tunnel under ocean boulevard out Friday”
  17. Someone on atrl ask BOZ for the longest song length PLEASE
  18. we, as a community, are so insane like😭 how did we cover about five different topics and the entire emotional spectrum in the last ten minutes
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