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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. He butchered california imo. The Jack production on it is just so apparent and I KNOW it would’ve been twice as good without him.
  2. Btd = uv = hm > NFR > bb > COCC > lfl i fear is the correct ranking
  3. Jack ruined NFR I’m sorry it would’ve been better without him.
  4. I’m so intrigued by the descriptors ‘variety’ and ‘wild’ like what does that really mean omg! also did boz actually say ldr9 is his third fav or are we assuming it’s in third place? bc if he’s saying it settles with uv & NFR that’s some pretty high praise.
  5. I’m surprised BOZ would be stanning bb outtakes without mentioning that fact already tbh.. so does it mean ocean boulevard isn’t a bb outtake?
  6. This is so deep.. i wonder how I’d view BB if it dropped a couple of songs. Would it become my favourite? Or would I still prefer other albums because there’s more songs that I like? Hmm..
  7. I’m happy to pay double if it means even a few extra songs
  8. So there’s a show on BBC radio 1 - Future Sounds with Clara Amfo on Wednesday the 7th 6pm. I know it’s not the same as best record of the week but they do have premieres on there and it’s the same time lana usually announces if she does a radio one! although I’m sure she’d have mentioned it sooner.
  9. And she’d already posted it on insta..😭
  10. do we know what changes these are? for the non coder girlies
  11. spill something juicy im tired!!
  12. Who do you think is doing the scat attacking Omg I was wondering this too!! Miss her
  13. they’re truly a mystery but i hold them in higher regard than dragon and floridakilos
  14. when your pics get moved to random Lana discussion thread
  15. im personally of the opinion that no kung fu never existed and is fanmade!
  16. I think it’s 10 since Lana posted X a few times in reference to new music (or something i don’t even remember the context). The argument is just which ten albums she’s counting personally I’m counting Paradise & Violets since she’s probably talking about her label releases & that’s probably what they call it internally at the label.
  17. I kind of wish she released the poetry books under Elizabeth Grant instead bc I agree, I view them as a different & distinct venture from her that pulls on a complete different type of persona than her music.
  18. Idk the exact specifics but I think it was initially it’s own body of work but the label didn’t want to stop the BTD train so they merged them. The length argument is moot I think considering artists are releasing LPs with 8 songs totalling 32minutes. There isn’t an exact classification for EPs and LPs anyway i don’t think.
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