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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. leakers ur days are numbered!!!! we don’t want no more songs
  2. If Lana remotely wiped her computer, chances are it was a mac and she used her Apple account.. which means whoever took it would’ve known the Apple ID so I guess someone could gain access to her phone remotely if they brute forced? That’s kinda scary
  3. She said when she features artists she likes to give them the moment since it’s a collaboration rather than a feature.. idk why she thinks she deserves less.
  4. Are y’all gonna listen from track one or just skip straight to Snow on the Beach? I’m torn bc I don’t care too much for Tay but I always like to listen to her albums on release (and in order) but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to resist listening to SOTB first..
  5. it’s so cunty when banned members start communicating with us through dbree like you can’t get any campier than that
  6. I don’t think he’s ever spoken about tays unreleased before. Like ever. So I don’t think he gets to intercept her stuff?
  7. The sad part is, even if he is talking about Lana it doesn’t matter at all other than the albums complete😭 like we still got to wait forever and she’ll probably change it up anyway..
  8. BOZ just tweeted again “I might hate on Antonoff, but when he does something right it's fucking incredible...” I’m moving!!!
  9. I think he’s unliked this tweet now too omg it means something y’all I’m sure of it
  10. in my delusional mind I’m convincing myself it’s bc it’s a UV 2.0
  11. BOZ just tweeted “the world is not ready for the masterpiece of an album that I just heard...” then said the album he was referencing had already been mentioned in the replies. at the time, the only albums were midnights, ldr9 and dirt femme. Now I think he’s already heard dirt femme and tweeted about it so it’s not that.. he usually hears albums before they’re near release so I don’t think it’s midnights…. Ldr9? Oprah!! edit: he also liked a reply about Lana and a gif about Lana, but no other replies.
  12. love how we sneak this word into every pre-release thread
  13. I wonder if she might be encouraged to go back to a btd type of sound after all the success she’s been seeing (and her label). There must be some sort of internal discussions.
  14. Neil posted pics of Weyes Blood omggg that better not be what he was teasing
  15. This is gonna be biased but like this forum actually has the most normal stans idk why we have such a bad rep..
  16. Idk if this is the correct thread but since it originated in tiktok and this was a recent thread when I opened LB I’ll post here: anyone else totally shocked and completely revolted by the ED side of tiktok and twitter, especially after lanaismpoland posted those pics? Like.. some of the quotes are so serious and disgusting and I just did not expect it beyond trolls. But a lot of these people genuinely feel that way? Idk.. just totally shocked by it all.
  17. none of her recent albums are good because of him, they’re good despite him. it’s true it’s true
  18. I quite liked solar power to be honest BUT that aside I agree. idk why people act like jack is some robot who only does exactly what he’s told. He, at the very least, has INFLUENCE. Lana might be agreeing to whatever he’s suggested, but his signature production is prevalent on everything he touches and the fact of the matter is that if he wasn’t there, his sound wouldn’t be there either. even if Lana likes it, he’s still evil
  19. he saw us all happy and didn’t like it one bit
  20. I hope I’m wrong but I feel like the Neil Krug connection is a reach. He’s a successful photographer, and has worked on countless solo projects (successfully). He can stand alone and doesn’t need to get hype from other artists, so I don’t think he’d tease something for another artist, even Lana.
  21. Yes to heaven/fine china on a deluxe version is fine but she should really keep them away from the main album I think. also scarface on the album ijbol
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