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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. when @TrashMagiq posted a jazz notes sheet in the middle of a scat attack and nobody understood it😭
  2. i want need another california. her magnum opus. the heart of nfr. i need her to create something with that much emotion again.
  3. I refuse to believe insiders until they give something that’s verifiable when the album is released. Vague release dates or subjective/loose descriptions of the album do nothing for me, especially when it’s just a description of Lana’s general sound. If any of y’all can give something that we can find out as true or false at some point, e.g. titles, producer credits, song lengths, etc.. then I’m listening..
  4. Last time we had a scat attack we DID manifest something big….. if it happens again i won’t be mad.
  5. Sorry I just edited my other post to clarify what I meant😭 the demo tape cover was 100% fanmade that’s for sure
  6. I don’t think there ever was a demo tape. I think the songs just leaked together and ppl came up w the story. Editing to say that I just mean there probably wasn’t a demo tape labelled No Kung Fu. There was probably a collection of demos sent around, just that they’re not really a body of work in the same way AKA was, so on the Miss Daytona collection there’s no reason to have them separate to the other demos. If that makes sense.
  7. If we get another jack album then it better be Grammy worthy. this is ur last chance @jackantononoff
  8. Anyone can correct me if I’m wrong since this seems to be widely accepted (the wiki states it), but I’ve always been under the impression that No Kung Fu is just a fanmade title for a group of songs that leaked together. The original miss Daytona master post had a disclaimer saying that it’s a 50/50 chance the demo tape existed.
  9. I don't really think they had a fling, but I think it's a massive stretch to think the song isn't about him. There was also Harvey/Lana rumours way before the #MeToo movement, so I don't think it's even too absurd to think they DID have a fling. But yeah, I'm not familiar with the Harry Winston theory but that line is probably just a reference to 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'.
  10. I don't think this is a misconception at all? She sings his name in the song, and said it's inspired by a Harvey-esque figure. Not to mention, he was seen at her performances around the time period. Harvey personally asked Lana to write songs for Big Eyes (according to Dan Heath), so they absolutely had a personal relationship on some level.
  11. No President has had as much electoral support since the coup. Pre-2010, Ukraine in talks to join NATO. 2010, President ends discussion regarding NATO. The US supports a coup that has the support of a few hundred thousand within Ukraine that leads to the ousting of a democratically elected President. Coincidentally, the new regime shows interest in NATO again. There’s protests against this, particularly in the East where support for the President was strong. The new regime responded by branding the protestors as terrorists, and launched a multi year assault against the region, killing thousands.
  12. Besides what I’ve mentioned in recent posts, the assault on and the bombing of the protestors in the Eastern regions. The illegal coup in 2014.
  13. It’s theory, you can have several viewpoints. I’ll say it clearly now. I support the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine. I support putting a stop to the expansion (and dismantling) of NATO. I support Russia taking action against Ukraine. I, however, don’t support Russia’s aggressive approach. I also don’t support Ukraine’s desperate attempts at turning this into a multinational conflict, turning their own people into martyrs needlessly.
  14. Being against the invasion and understanding the reasons for it can both be true? I’m mostly talking about the events leading up to the invasion, as another user said, a lot of countries share the blame for this, not just Russia. It’s not as black and white as you’d like to make it seem. I can both be against the reckless killings of hundreds, and displacement of millions more, and still understand why it’s happening, and condemn those who created the environment in which caused it.
  15. Sovereign is questionable, but yes. I’m not going to preface my opinions with “Russia shouldn’t have invaded blah blah” because I’ve made my stance on that very clear, and anyone bringing it up is doing so in bad faith. But yes, invasion of a sovereign state that’s taking actions which actively put the security of your own sovereign state into concern, then ensuring demilitarisation is a precaution. Also, people are mentioning Nazism because it’s literally cited as a reason for Russia to invade and people in this thread are denying Ukraine has a problem with Nazism. This is a thread to discuss the invasion of Ukraine, theory is part of that discussion too.
  16. You absolutely can. A major military alliance surrounding a super power that they’ve only just gotten out of a war (the Cold War) with is not just a causal “oh well”. It’s major. The US have not let up on their anti-Russian propaganda, neither has any other western country. Russia has every right to feel threatened and to take precautions.
  17. Putin has actually cited NATO and their expansion several times. He cited denazification AND demilitarisation as his reasons for invading, the demilitarisation aspect refers to the NATO situation. Invading Ukraine and citing NATO as the reason could be considered an aggression towards NATO, but it’s pretty commonly accepted that this is the reason. Also, Ukraine voted against condemning nazis. Their recent anti-nazi laws are actually anti-socialist laws, in the laws they gave the Ukrainian Nationalist groups during WW2 veteran status (the groups that swore loyalty to Hitler, welcomed him into Ukraine & killed Jews and anyone who defended them). Their badges literally mean Blood & Soil. Jews had to flee Ukraine just as they did Germany. Historically, you had to prove that you fought against the Nazis, and they’ve just stripped that requirement. Ukrainian nationalism is inherently tied to Nazism, I beg y’all to brush up on your history. I’ve conceded that it’s not enough for Putin to invade, but it really is dangerous to not acknowledge it
  18. Absolutely believing this theory lately like.. TOO many photos of it now
  19. By this logic, Putin can also do whatever the hell he wants. Ukraine joining NATO is a security risk to Russia, especially with the constantly anti-Russia propaganda America's been feeding us the last few decades (which has intensified over the last 5-6 years.. how many shows came out recently with Russia as the antagonists? Trump blaming Russia for everything, Biden blaming Russia for everything). If you can't see that NATO expanding closer and closer to Russia is a very, very deliberate act then idk what to tell you.
  20. Since lana got a flat tyre does that mean Chuck got a visit from the FBI?
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