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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. Get Drunk


    Just discovered this guy & turns out he opened for Lana on the latest NA tour? Surprised I didn’t discover him sooner!! Amir has zero bad songs, had every single one on repeat individually. So peaceful
  2. Surely Tropico EP would’ve been an alternative form of Paradise EP? And since we’ve got most songs from that era (afaik), I doubt it’s anything completely unheard.
  3. I'm just gonna say this one thing, because I don't want anyone to hate me or think that I'm some awful person but I studied European politics & it's something I'm pretty passionate about. I'm not gonna give my opnions on the illegitimate/nazism thing, but there is an informed basis for both of those opinions (there's a lot of governments that can be considered illegitimate, it doesn't actually mean all too much). The in-fighting of Ukraine is pretty well documented, though. Me mentioning them wasn't to like say "Russia isn't all that bad, they're invading this baddy government too". It was specifically to say that nobody should be dying to protect their Government. Like, the Ukrainian President really pissed me off with his "I need ammunition comment". Like, he's not fighting. It's the civilians who are fighting for him. He'll never be in any danger. I've been seeing twitter threads about how Ukrainian civilians can help too and I just really don't like it. It's commendable that people are so willing to help, but expecting people to go into the streets and fight against well-equipped Russian troops who have trained for years for this.. it's unthinkable. That story that came out on the first day about those 13 soldiers who refused to give up that island, and were told they'd bombed if they didn't. They all died. What does that accomplish? At the end of the day, nobody should die for their country. At all. That's all I'm saying. Please don't think I'm defending Russia in any shape or form.
  4. I honestly didn't think that prioritising individual civilian safety over the protection of Governments would be that controversial. But I guess it is.
  5. My point was actually in response to the videos of Ukrainian men being pulled away from their families at bus stops and train stations because they’re not allowed to leave & the tweets encouraging people to donate to the Ukrainian army. We should be donating to the Ukrainian civilians who are in distress, not to the Government. I think it’s disgraceful that Ukraine is forcing its civilians to fight this war, when they should be allowed to evacuate.
  6. Just to like.. make a comparison. It’s okay to not support the US war in Afghanistan and also not support the Taliban. Just like it’s okay to not support the Russia invasion of Ukraine and also not the Ukraine government.
  7. So you’re in support of the initial protests against the 2010 government, but you’re against the 2014 protests of the separatist movement? How is it a legitimate government when over 10% of the population is protesting against it and less than 50% are in support of it? and where is the Russian propaganda?? I’m against both countries here lol.
  8. I don’t mean to be rude but you literally posted it in reference to voter turnout, which shouldn’t include children. You linked a Wikipedia page which I’m assuming is where you got the data from, their turnout % doesn’t include children either. So like.. that’s on you honey
  9. why did they lose Luhansk/Donetsk? 4million people from that region lost.. why’s that? Oh yeah, it was because of the illegal coup that they were protesting against. That’s 4 million people that had mass support for the previous regime and were protesting against the new regime. what did the new regime do about that? Oh yeah, declare them terrorists and launch a multi year long assault on the region.
  10. This section of your post really emphasises how complex the situation is. The Cold War only ended 30 years ago. NATO’s pressure & influence on the countries so close to Russia isn’t an accident. Ukraine halted plans to join NATO in 2010, President Yanukovych saying he wanted to remain neutral. The US then backed a coup to overthrow Yanukovych . And once again, Ukraine showed interest in joining NATO. I do agree that a surrender isn’t realistic and isn’t expected but I’m just very, very against the Government forcing anyone to fight a war that’s essentially to service the West. editing to add, just in case anyone else yells at me again: I’m not saying anyone fighting by choice is bad at all. I’m not condemning anyone except the Government.
  11. Yes, thank you. But when Ukraine doesn't surrender and inevitably gets overrun by Russia, then what? The outcome is the same, but with a lot more deaths.
  12. IDK, I didn't just tune into this a few weeks ago like most of y'all on this thread. Like, it's not black and white. At all. Ukraine and Russia can both have bad Governments, and personally I don't agree with donating to an Army who has spent the last few years launching assaults on its own people.
  13. So by your own logic, more people voted for Yanukovych in 2013 and then more people were excluded in 2019. A 50% voter turnout in 2019 means less than 50% of the population voted for the winner in a popular vote system. That in itself can be considered illegitimate. But even disregarding that fact, Ukraine overthrew an elected leader in 2014, then excluded the regions which had massive support for said leader from participating in elections. That is what makes it illegitimate personally. Like, millions of people not able to participate in the election, followed by a dip in voter turnout..
  14. I feel like I quite specifically talked about the people being taken away from their families while trying to evacuate? If the country needs to drag people away from the families, unwillingly, then surrender is better. No government should ever force civilians to fight. And no, Ukraine's latest elections literally didn't include a huge portion of the population that were protesting against the current Government's regime. I don't see that as legitimate.
  15. Okay so I don't want this to be interpreted as me being pro-Putin, but Ukraine really should just.. accept defeat at this point? I don't see a reality where Ukraine rebuts Russia alone, and I don't see a scenario where any other country will step in without it becoming a major conflict. Ukraine's Government is, some believe, illegitimate (US-backed coup overthrowing elected Government, followed by the exclusion of states from participating in elections, followed by the assault on the states who protested against the coup), Ukraine DOES have a problem with nazis (being one of two countries voting against the UN resolution to end the glorifcation of Nazism & Neo-nazism, which are two notable aspects of Ukrainian nationalism). I don't think this justifies an invasion (although the fighting in Ukraine has taken hundreds of lives already, and the UN should have sanctioned Ukraine long ago) but Ukraine should NOT be stopping civilians trying to evacuate and sending them to fight. No civilian should be forced to fight for their Government, especially not an illegitimate one. I don't think it's fair to say "well, Russia's left them with no choice". Like, no? The Ukrainian Government is the one making the choice here, otherwise let the civilians decide for themselves whether they want to fight for their Western/US-backed Government. Also, when the Ukrainian President (allegedly, I didn't see the direct quote) responded to the US offering to evacuate him with "I need ammunition, not a ride" that pissed me off. Like, yeah.. you're really the one who's going to be fighting on the streets against fully-geared Russian troops with nothing but a gun that was forced into your hands days after being pulled away from your family, who are terrified they'll never see you again. Controversial opinion and I'm struggling to articulate it but yeah.. The Ukrainian people shouldn't have to be suffering through this, but let's remember to not support Ukraine endlessly. Like, donate to the evacuating Ukrainians. Don't fucking donate to their Army lol..
  16. Everything is Everything is literally the perfect song.. The last song to feel like this for me was Haunted with stwo. I need more of this sound!
  17. It's more complex than this, historically the West have done everything in their power to destabilise Russia and the threat of Russia's neighbour state joining a military alliance, NATO (while Ukraine itself is bordered by several NATO states), has pretty serious consequences for Moscow. Obviously not justifying war in any shape or form, and Ukraine is a sovereign country and can make its own choices, but it's more complex than Russia just wanting to invade Ukraine for global domination.
  18. Pretty sure she wanted bigger but he convinced her to strip it back. Not a big fan of jack I won’t lie but he does have his classics (MAC & VB are perfection).
  19. I’m a bit late on this but I just did an insta deep dive too and he is so hot.. but a little TEW obsessed with violence. the amount of army guys in homoerotic situations that he’s posted though.. giving a little 💅💅 to me.
  20. I’m listening to his bands music rn and it’s so insane & chaotic but I can totally envision Lana on this music.
  21. The NNT theme was genius.... the backdrop and transitions, gorgeous.... one of the best ever methinks
  22. Born to Die Video Games Blue Jeans Summertime Sadness Off to the Races
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