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Get Drunk

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Posts posted by Get Drunk

  1. I always heard winter we’re not in. And it made sense bc of the snow/skiing lyrics. 

    you sniff in winter, you sniff after snorting coke. “Like the winter we’re not in”. He’s sniffing but it’s not winter. 

    it always made sense to me idk..

  2. 53 minutes ago, Crimson and Clover said:

    At the festival and honestly we don’t talk about enough how much influence Lust for Life had for fan attire at concerts 

    I remember me and irloomf and sisteroomf at Hyde Park, my sis was late so she phoned me trying to find us and was like “is irloomf wearing heart shaped sunglasses” and I just laughed bc i could see at least twenty people wearing them just around me:lmao:

  3. 26 minutes ago, Embach said:

    I struggled with the meaning too at first but I think the simplest explanation for it is that when sun rises, the stars leave - the stars never really see the sun, they just "disappear" in the morning and vice versa (at first I used to think that the line was a metaphor for suicide, because in the morning the stars have disappeared). 


    For me just...the stars never see the sun anymore. It's kinda like Minecraft...

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    See that’s what I’m leaning towards as well but I’ve never been fully convinced because it’s a different kind of missing somebody, but it’s the only one that makes sense I fear 

  4. Can someone please explain the line “like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky”?


    I know it’s her saying she’ll miss whoever forever but.. how do the stars miss the sun in the morning sky?


    Does it mean: 

    1) The sun leaves the stars when morning comes, so the stars miss it.

    2) The stars miss (like missing a bus) the sun because they disappear as the sun appears. 
    3) Something else??


    Now I don’t know if I’m being stupid but this line has never made sense to me and I’m struggling

  5. 3 hours ago, Slothdelrey said:

    Hi guys! It’s me slothdelrey. I met lana at the airport. I want to say that some of you guys are so mean and a bunch of losers. Literally bullying me off of a 10 second video of me touching Lana’s arm while we are having a heartfelt moment. Lana stayed with us for an hour talking she was hugging me so tight and were having so much fun with her. After leaving the airport I got a notif that lana liked one of my old posts on instagram. If i made lana “uncomfortable” or disrespected her she would not be following me on Instagram or liking my post. I had made jewelry for her and she thought I was so sweet. Canadian Stans are very respectful and Lana really loved me and appreciated everything i was saying to her. Even in that video you can see her reaction and even calls me her little sloth. PLUS on top Of all of that. She wore the bracelet I made for her at the show in front of 100K people. You guys are disgusting for all the hate comments I’m receiving. 

    I haven’t seen the video or the mocking but that sounds really cute. I’m glad you met her:) 

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