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Get Drunk

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Posts posted by Get Drunk

  1. I’ve been watching some more controversial films recently, and came across Irreversible. I think it only has eleven scenes total I believe? It has a couple of very disturbing parts in it. But film has stuck with me for some reason. 

    The scenes that stuck with me, apart from the


    Rape scene (which I do think was necessary for such a film)

     were the ones where they’re having fun. 

    It plays in reverse, so the start of the film is two men getting arrested because they were getting revenge (a woman was assaulted after a party, one of the men’s girlfriend and the other’s ex girlfriend). 

    It shows the assault, then just simply the three of them on the way to the party then just chilling at home before they go. And it’s these scenes that stick with me, because they really highlighted the fragility of life. The fact these three people (and others due to their actions).

    Rather than being a rape-revenge flick, it’s a film about three young, carefree, lighthearted people go through immense trauma and their lives are never the same. If it played from start to finish, it would play out like a descent into hell (the lead actress’ own words). The scenes playing in reverse make you really sit with what happened. 


  2. On 10/27/2023 at 12:14 AM, honey dew said:

    So what is the ultimate end goal of the Free Palestine movement vs the end goal of Zionism? From what I've read a majority of both populations support a two-state solution. And if Jews originated from that area then I guess Israel should exist for them at the bare minimum right? 

    Jews didn’t originate from the area, but Jerusalem is their ‘promised land’, so there’s a belief that they belong there. They have as much of a claim on the region as Australians have on the UK (Jews historically lived there, just as Australians historically lived in the UK). 

    A two state solution is ideal, but the thing is that a lot of Jewish people have moved to Israel over the last few decades, a huge portion of their population were never born there. Their own PM wasn’t born there. 

    The Free Palestine movement demands a state recognition with borders, and a claim on Jerusalem. Jerusalem is a hugely contested issue, Obama ran on a platform of officially declaring Jerusalem to be Israel’s capital, which he never did. Trump ran on the same platform and followed through. 


    It’s worth pointing out that over the last 80 years, Palestine’s borders have been shrinking and Israel’s growing. We’re at the point now where most countries don’t recognise Palestine at all. 

  3. It’s worth noting the actual landscape of the region and the history there. What will the US do if Iran (acting as the State) gets involved? What will Russia do if the US gets involved? What will the US-allied states, geologically sandwiched between Israel and Iran, do? 

    When you look at the region as a whole, the Israel-Palestine conflict is tiny as far as the superpowers are concerned, but it’s acting as a catalyst.

    Even with the above in mind, I don’t think Biden wants a war - Egypt and Jordan have brought up the two state solution, the Saudis have as well. If Biden continued to support Israel into a war with other states, he’d be crazy. 

  4. Ykw, I’ll say just one thing. Propaganda is impossible to ignore and America has been promoting and spouting pro Israel rubbish for decades. Lana is just human and although she should educate herself, she clearly doesn’t spend a lot of time online or reading through these things. 

    Basically, I don’t think we can be too mad at her for believing what she’s been told to believe all her life. 

    Still reprehensible to put her name on this, but it’s not like she’s actively promoting Israel either. She listened when she was told to not perform there several years ago, so I think her heart is in the right place. 

  5. 1 hour ago, barttttender said:

    Thank you! I was a bit unclear about that point, and I'm glad you corrected me.

    Can you please give more context? What are Biden's political interests in the Middle East? 

    It’s the only white non-Islamic state in the Middle East (afaik), pretty much making it the only state that has westernised views/culture. When you see how the US has spent decades trying to destabilise the Middle East/Iran, it becomes clear why they spend so much time and money funding Israel.

  6. 4 hours ago, BartenderDeco said:


    i do feel like we need to talk about this instead of avoiding it. this is the most disappointing thing i’ve ever seen lana do,

    as sad as it makes me i think i wanna take a small break from listening to lana :(

    I saw the letter on twitter and was like “so glad I won’t see Lana on this bc she’s too lazy” and gasped when I got to the L’s..

  7. 30 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:

    Meryl Streep isn’t out here writing all the scripts she’s acting out but she’s still a highly acclaimed actress… Why are we expecting artists to be writers? I get that artists not writing their self proclaimed highly introspective album isn’t the same as artists actually writing it, especially if it’s being marketed as a personal body of work, but why would anyone care that Britney isn’t out here writing songs like Toxic and BBOMT :toofunny:. Why don’t people give that same energy for artists that don’t produce their own songs? We expect artists to be writers but no one’s expecting them to be producers, when for pop music the production’s usually even more important than the lyrics. Sure it’s impressive, but not everyone can be Mariah Carey doing both, and not everyone has to be! It is annoying when artists claim to be writers when they aren’t though.

    some artists make a name for themselves as songwriters (Taylor, Lana). Others make their name as performers (Britney, Beyoncé, xtina). 

    Both groups are hugely talented and should be respected in their own right. 

  8. I sometimes think about how BTD could’ve been a totally different album narrative-wise, a lot of the songs like Kinda Outta Luck, Roses and Serial Killer which portrayed her as the dominant one in relationships would’ve worked sonically on the album but I understand why they weren’t included. 

    Your Girl was perfect for UV. 

    I don’t know if anything would’ve fit on Honeymoon from the leaks we’ve had. I can’t imagine them fitting in smoothly. Maybe Wild One? Same for NFR/COCC. 

    LFL is a bit of a mess (imo) of an album sonically, so literally anything could’ve worked. 

    Wild One deserved a spot on BB at least. 


  9. Also not completely the same but it annoys me so much when singers like Ariana will partially write the lyrics to an already complete song, or change some lyrics to a demo, and claim they wrote it. 

    Like anyone could do that I fear? It’s not really a feat, but twitter stans will obsess over it. 

    Side note but in recent years, Bey has been pretty great at crediting (hence why she has dozens of writers on each song) so I’m not mad about her earlier mishaps..

  10. Rihanna is notorious. 

    Sza’s album Ctrl originally revolved around her song ‘LouAnne Johnson’, she’s stated that Ctrl would have been complete a year earlier if she still had the song (and I think it even had a MV). Then Rihanna struck :illumilana:


    Sza went to a writing camp for Anti but failed to write anything that she thought was of any worth, so she played LouAnne Johnson just to see how they liked it. After hearing it, they were very insistent and she was pressured into giving it up - she’s said since that it devastated her. The song became ‘Consideration’ and Rih ended up with writing credits on it, even though it was already a complete song ready for release. 

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