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Get Drunk

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Posts posted by Get Drunk

  1. On 9/5/2023 at 4:50 AM, Ultra Violet said:

    Another also, why is the Primadonna - Burns remix sound ahead of its time for 2012? I get pure 2015 indie trippy vibes with this remix.

    This was in my Spotify top 100 last year it’s too good

  2. 20 minutes ago, Embach said:

    Honeymoon is so horrible and awful, it is Lana Del Rey's worst album and perhaps the world's worst album ever released :true:

    I couldn’t even bring myself to type this im sorry you have a dark spirit

  3. 57 minutes ago, wilting daisy said:

    i hate when fans imply that whatevwr lana is doing musically is tied to whoevwr she's dating as if she doesn't have any thoughts or interests of her own. every music style she's done is influenced by a variety of music she's loved for years. 

    It mostly shows in her unreleased music so I’m excited for the music that’ll leak in three years

  4. Just now, dxniell said:

    the fact that its pounds is so funny to me, are you on three network where it charges for almost anything u wanna do bc me too x

    I’m on Tesco and they’re obsessed with charging for everything so I should’ve known.. they used to charge if I used my data after 10pm😭

  5. Just now, Mer said:


    You just spent 10 Pounds on long distance calling to a fucking mall in Canada, and I'm dramatic? 

    i didn’t know it would charge me omg.. i have free calls but apparently international uses up my data…… and yes you’re dramatic and taking this whole thing far too seriously. lighten up!

  6. Just now, Mer said:

    Agree with @Rust Dress, not to mention these are minimum wage workers who are probably already sick of actual customers' shit, let alone dealing with a twink from over the border calling them about a Lana Del Rey USB. 

    I think minimum workers face worse daily than a twink calling about a lana del rey usb omg you’re so dramatic 

  7. Just now, Rust Dress said:


    when one of the workers goes over there and finds a suspicious usb, there’s a high chance that the whole mall could go into a lockdown or something and then you guys get nothing in the end :tsk:


    like think about it.. some random person calls you saying there’s a usb in one of the poles, go pick it up and plug it in to one of your computers… that’s suspicious af

    I think your imagination is running wild omg what the hell could be on a usb to shut the whole mall down.. it’s not a bomb😭

  8. Just now, Veinsineon said:

    me calling a payphone in that mall :  "hey.... there's something over by the window to that store over therre..... can you go retrieve it for me?" :typewriter:

    the way I’m trying to figure out how to ask the customer advisor at roots to go and pick it up and send it to me on instagram….

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