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Everything posted by menslayer

  1. Better being delusional than being a bitch
  2. so has anyone figured out the password yet?
  3. Announcement Wednesday album drops on Friday
  4. okay but how much time left till someone figures out the password?
  5. also someone posted a photo of the source code with colors some pages ago. they’re probably the vinyl colors
  6. girl. please don’t say anything then because you’re teasing us and saying nothing
  7. I see there’s people wanting attention here with fake info… if they don’t show it, it doesn’t exist
  8. guess the whores are loosing tonight. Dollies, rise up, we’re getting blessed
  9. I’m getting anxiety from reading the past 20 pages of this thread
  10. can this bitch stop posting about shit nobody cares about and post about her own projects?
  11. maybe she can now leak Lana material! let me get my ouija board
  12. Lana, if the album drops on October 14th and it doesn’t have LOUD ELECTRIC GUITARS I swear to god I will… I will… still play it anyways. I eat everything you drop
  13. Fuck singles, all my homies want an album dropping out of nowhere without any buzz or lead singles.
  14. she normally announces preorders a day before they drop, or at least the tracklist and album cover, and normally the preorder drops on a Monday, so Sunday is the announcement day.
  15. it’s Sunday! you know what happens on sundays? she announces albums!
  16. we speak exclusively English in here. i’m Portuguese and I understood everything you said but 95% of the members didn’t or won’t. keep that in mind! it’s about being polite! and welcome to LB! hope you have fun here
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