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tulsa jesus freaks

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Everything posted by tulsa jesus freaks

  1. i'm trying really hard not to listen to Tunnel Vision cause i want it to feel fresh when it comes out but it's hard hard it's replaying in my head
  2. will she post a snippet today even tho the album has been announced?
  3. i mean it literally sounds the same as the leaked version
  4. i was listening to the snippet she posted again and could it be that the last one is all tunnel vision? she mentions a tunnel in the lyrics also some people say that she's done with crybaby when that's not really true, in the first snippet she sings "my body has died but i'm still alive" so like someone else says on here she's still crybaby just in a different form. i think it's a smart way to end the baby theme without killing the storyline
  5. i think even k-12 haters are gonna enjoy this album from the leaks and the visuals she's giving us it looks something completely different and new, the "death" of the old, i really like the visuals of this era and the music is already way better than k-12 (i dont hate k-12 but this seems already superior lol)
  6. i love the concept of starting an album from the "death" of her, it just makes you curious for what comes next
  7. i love the magical forest with magical creatures theme
  8. well excuse me for having an opinion random stranger on the internet lol, i think Leche of Sirens is more unique, Sirens is kinda vague where are these from
  9. idk i'm still skeptical, it does sound like Sirens but we'll see also Leche of Sirens is a better title
  10. leakes tracks that i hope are on the album: needle & thread leche of sirens corpse death tunnel vision (confirmed) dragon's blood magnets
  11. let's unmanifest that also i wouldn't mind if there were no singles before the album release cause march 31st is not far away at all
  12. i hope Leche of Sirens is just polished and not completely reworked cause the version we have is beatiful Tunnel Vision seems to be pretty accurate to the leaked version just a bit polished
  13. OMG I LOVE THIS IM CONFUSED THO tunnel vision is definitely on there, but how do we know about sirens? i mean the "drink" part definitely sounds like it, but it the whole snippet the re worked version of Sirens or is "the hatching" its own track and combination of the songs? (sort of like goodbye by billie eilish)
  14. i guess it's better than the k-12 album cover
  15. also it says B&N exclusive, could it be that the album cover is just an alternative cover for B&N? cause it's either that, or the pink variant is the B&N exclusive
  16. maybe there will be other variants
  17. idk what i think about this album cover but i need to see it in hq
  18. not another baby pink vinyl, anyway 3/31 is a pretty good date im excited
  19. it's just an instrumental concept
  20. romance feels like a silent movie
  21. faerie soirèe is not one of my favorites so i'm not moving yet sirens on the other hand...
  22. what is thm and who is jack lol
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