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tulsa jesus freaks

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Everything posted by tulsa jesus freaks

  1. why is honeymouns pressed that people are calling A&W "American Whore" when the litteral producer of the song called it that himself edit: yes i saw their thread about it but we're still gonna call it american whore
  2. does "no single cover atm" means that she doesnt have one yet and will choose a random selfie last minute?
  3. i think beautiful has some good lyrics like "if i could be more like you i would but i can't and i'm glad about that" or "don't tell me to be glad when i'm sad" which i really like cause sometimes when we open up to someone they say "could be worse" trying to cheer you up but all they do is invalidate our feelings of sadness in that moment (that's my take on it at least) and idk i like the idea of taking your negative emotions and turning them into art or into something productive cause it's not easy, it's about embracing yourself and the emotions that come with iit. but i do agree on the production i hate the mixing it sounds like a live performance im not trying to convince you to like the song ofc to each their own but i am gonna defend it, not her best song at all but doesnt deserve this much hate imo sorry for the rant
  4. i think DYKTTATUOB will transition into A&W cause those noises at the end of the song are suspicious
  5. a jack antonoff reject that will be at the bottom of everyone's ranking (tbh i'll probably love it actually)
  6. i shouldn't have listened to the shimmy shimmy song cause now i'm hoping she also changes key multiple times
  7. i feel like this isn't good cause the more the wait to release it after they "announce" it the more are the chances it might leak before the actual date
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