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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. the intimate lyrics being "chucky’s making birthday cake" and "nikki jumped into the pool"
  2. her telling anyone to stop smoking when she herself is an ex-chainsmoker turned vape-addict is so
  3. yes omg like STAWP i don’t know Charlie’s or Chuck’s and can’t relate to any of that (and i quite frankly don’t care about anything family related besides her dad/mom history) pls leave us alone the blue banisters comparison is worrying too but i get what she’s saying with the theme thing + the two tunnel songs we have are better than anything on bb so that’s reassuring
  4. not you spilling what happened who are you and what did you do to Jared ? when was her last non-"corny" video anyways? Love ? Cocc ? i’d take a single good high budget clip or something the interview video and be satisfied, we really don’t need more homemade shit that’ll get stuck at 4 million views on youtube anyway
  5. well it’s certainly a better excuse than "lol i couldn’t be bothered to film something, suck it twinks"
  6. anyways billboard mag was a letdown, no cover and another useless interview repeating the same stuff (we get it it’s wordy ) moving on, rolling stone’s cover when ?
  7. "I’m thinking a little less big and bombastic. Maybe at some point I can have fun creating a world again, but right now, I would say there’s no world building" please go back to that just for one era pls i’m begging
  8. while on that topic, c’mon place your bets which country and/or record store inevitably leaks the album by shipping/selling it early ? my money’s on france cause we’re incompetent
  9. pls you know damn well a random european record store will sell the cds/vinyls early and we’ll have the entire album in perfect FLAC quality by march 11th at the latest
  10. you’re thinking about the new music friday playlist, the others are or can be edited at any given time, TTH is updated every few days f.e
  11. to fall again a week after yeah i don’t really care about streams either, if she/her team wanted better streams they’d get off their asses and work some, i just find it weird to see a longer but also much catchier song than OB loose 700k streams only 2 days after release it’ll probably win some back tomorrow due to playlists but i doubt it’ll stabilize that much/make up for the lost streams + we know now you can have all the playlisting you want and the song can still flop after a week = tunnel
  12. summery sad trap bops mixed with classy baroque pop oh i’m UP laura sisk girl if you fuck up the synths in the mix keep an eye open at night
  13. i wonder if the album will be mostly analog/acoustic/classical instruments driven or if it will go in a more electronic/synthy direction ? considering A&W and the album credits it could be a nice mix of both folky psychedelic triphop masterpiece incoming
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