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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. a bowl or bawlls? no but in all seriousness the last pages… y’all really have a collective IQ of a bathtub
  2. really hope taco truck will be the girl we think she is, with a legendary outro and all cause her closers are usually either boring or skips
  3. nah she just don’t give a fuck and doesn’t care enough to bother announcing songs + she knows we find every bit of info anyway
  4. either another psyop or beyoncé’s gearing up to launch Alien Superstar as the next single, no inbetween
  5. you take that back right now or i’ll be under your bed at 3am
  6. not the fucking chickens again but we move, that would make it 4 magazine covers this era
  7. dark and moody, with a toned down wedding dress (?) but she’s smiling (take it with a big grain of salt)
  8. so does this make rob a nepo daddy ?
  9. good or bad ? tell us since you can’t tell atrl edit: it’s about grampa’s album isn’t it ?
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