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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. Oh no definitely, i know she’s an aunt and very close to her family so it’s not like i expect that to happen or even think it would be realistic, ofc she’ll never leave LA But i truly don’t see her getting out of the whatever she’s in without a big change. She wrote most of it in LA (iirc) yeah but even back then she had huge writers block, out of which jack allegedly pulled her. It’s just extremely worrying that she’s still/again in it and it just seems to get worse, with or without jack helping her
  2. like you get IT ! and that’s without counting her leaving in demo backing vocals on TNBAR (on top of botching it), reusing the same production for 2 different songs, her last album basically being a biggest hits compilation (just you know…without the hits ) and the overall saturated/downright bad sound quality of her two last records on streaming sites (looking at my good sis WFWF) … oh yeah i’m scared
  3. EXACTLY, we don’t need old lana back it’s not like her old records vanished, all we need back is the unafraid and experimental lana. Like jesus we’re talking about the woman who did a COMPLETE genre switch for her sophomore album… and then did it again not even a year later … and then barely 2 years after revisited her debut album’s sound like who has the mind and balls to do that I’d sell organs (not mine) for a psychedelic, portishead inspired, jazz infused magnum opus but i fear we’ll never get that again… at least not as long as she is where she is in her life. She needs a spark again, we just don’t know what (or who) it will be
  4. Like not even in a "omg we need the old lana back" way but i just can’t imagine anything else out of her nowadays but piano ballads about nicki and oklahoma and that worries me
  5. aka not jack, not her cali bimbo friends and not her jobless family either makes me think about the only interview she gave this year regarding her new album in which she said she basically has 0 idea where she’s going with it, has absolutely 0 inspiration and needs to be dragged into a studio to come up with something… like idk bout y’all but that sounds highly alarming to me I say it once again she needs a complete life change, move back to New York/London, ditch jack, meet new and exciting people and get out of this boring country grandma bubble she’s stuck in for years now
  6. hold me back before i get real nasty with her
  7. not yall back to the DNC acronym give it up Deelishis
  8. lanasbottom

    Taylor Swift

    Fr Melodrama and even Pure Heroine (considering her very young age back then) are excellent both sonically and lyrically, and miles ahead of what Taylor thinks she’s doing. On the topic of why everyone sees her as a god now is more than perplexing since, as you say, the material’s just not there i’m sawry She can write good songs and she’s good at making very catchy music/melodies but literally that’s it. When you see threads being made asking if children will study her in 100+ years like they do with Beethoven, Bach and Tchaikovsky you just pause and ask yourself if swifties live in another reality/dimension or are just in dire need of new meds… She’s an okay songwriter, way below average singer and that’s literally it. Even as a performer everyone from Beyoncé and Gaga to Janet, Madonna and yes even Katy (on a good day) eat her alive in the stage department. I’ll never understand how nor why she’s viewed as some kinda musical genius when her best works are just cliché Lana Del Rey imitations
  9. lanasbottom

    Taylor Swift

    and Lord with an E did it better too let’s be real She might be highly obnoxious but Melodrama wipes the floor with MIDnights (so does 1989)
  10. lanasbottom

    Taylor Swift

    Cute album, i expected folklore 3.0 but 20 songs ? when half of them sound the same? lord production’s okay but sounds inexpensive and kinda cheap ish at times. Most of the lyrics are… corny and not far from the Hey kids spelling is fun abyss. It’s your typical Taylor record, it’s fine, cliché pop, not enveloppe pushing nor something you never heard of her. The paid for critic reviews and 95 metacritic score is definitely sending tho i’ll give her that 6/10 BUT i’ll give credit where it’s due, taking the best parts of Beyoncé’s promo (lol) tactics, refining them and doing them better than her? She has the mind of a (evil) mastermind!!! Serving album + act II + a visual album + confirmed upcoming tour all in one week when Blue Ivy’s client hasn’t even given a tenth of that since her album came out months ago? bravo Taylor bravo
  11. hmm so maybe not part of the stolen songs/computer then
  12. off topic but some of the lyrics it’s giving arianka ot: so fingertips isn’t a bb demo/outtake but a probable ldr9 song?
  13. pls her album got leaked too no one’s safe true, but lana’s also kinda random at times so who knows for now
  14. if this happened months ago and no pics, no songs and no book leaked… that means we’re in the clear no?
  15. the fact THIS is the first official update on the album in like half a year…
  16. because i respond to some clown trying to come for me for saying something they don’t agree with ? some of you are such hypocrites
  17. Sure am bitch and you can stay mad why don’t you go pick up a grammar book and mind your business newbie
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