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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. GUYS idk if anyone discussed it already but the vinyls are being sent on the 27th, a wednesday aka the first week of the album. that means they’ll count for first week sales and it’ll flop less than we thought right?
  2. well actually….. can’t argue with that + the description actually sounded great to me i for one wouldn’t complain
  3. girl i love you but we already have one total idiot constantly lying and making fake posts we don’t need another one
  4. speaking of, you and that infested computer go open the alleged album leak that was just posted on degree
  5. wtf are y’all talking about now ?
  6. that’s nothing compared to the months of trauma, trials and tribulations you’ll go through when lana announces the next album via Ben the night BB drops
  7. could be either. i’m hoping for uv vocals cause the reverb drenched smokey voice was a huge serve but cohesion wise re-recorded vocals will do the trick….i guess
  8. oh definitely, boz’s crown slipped heavily since arcadia and i question how reliable he is/was this era. also him pretending to know anything about BBS when he didn’t know shit still doesn’t sit right with me. that’s why i’m going with they were either just slightly altered or not changed at all to not get my hopes up. but i also believe there’s a very high chance he’s wrong again and that they were all changed/different versions than those we have. + we know she has multiple versions off each song, we don’t even know which version will end up on the album anyway
  9. living legend was reworked too (i forgot in which way) but it did get a makeover. cherry blossom and nectar are the ones that are supposedly the same. but since she has 10 versions of every song we don’t really know which one will end up on the album + she can still have added new vocal takes etc
  10. then we better get his signature strings too cause i kinda don’t see him doing a simple guitar track no i think we don’t. i believe someone said it was slightly altered more finished (?) but we don’t even know which of the two leaked versions she uses on the album
  11. was living legend always made by dan heath or is that something new? he better have added his string arrangements by now or else
  12. there’s truly offensive things like say racism, sexism, homophobia, lines you don’t cross etc and then there’s grown ass men/women crying on an online stan forum because someone told them to maybe not listen to a leak if it spoils the surprise for them. if they want to constantly play the victim they can do as they please, but don’t expect me to play along
  13. WOW so someone, annoyed by your constant whining about the leak topic, telling you "maybe you shouldn’t have listened to a leak you knew would be on an album" is the same as sexism and racism to you?? you really gotta get the help you very desperately need i also really don’t care i’ll quote you as much as i please if i have something to say this is a free country and a free forum. if you’re not happy about it the block button’s right there, use it
  14. "time and time again" i mentioned you maybe…2 times, 3 max in like…ever don’t be ridiculous. this sounds more like persecution mania at this point. and don’t delude yourself into thinking people here being snarky or even a bit bitchy is being mean. if you can’t handle jokes, sarcasm or a bit of sass then idk do you need a trigger warning? would that make things better ?
  15. LMAOOOOOO girl is it really THAT serious? damn must’ve hit a nerve at least 1 of those 6 songs would be fresh if you didn’t listen to dealer, you can only be mad at yourself here… and how exactly is saying maybe you shouldn’t have listened to dealer knowing it’s on the album being mean lol? should’ve been smarter and not spoil it for yourself idk what you want us to tell you. some people really gotta grow up and stop acting like anyone held a gun to your head to listen to anything that leaks (especially since it’s a pretty known fact after the last 3-4 albums that she likes to put unreleased songs on her albums so just act accordingly)
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