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Everything posted by champainproblms

  1. about that rumor that melanie had shot music videos for k-12 1.0 and asked the director to delete them, do you think they're actually deleted? if i was the director i would keep them to myself at least lol
  2. i don't get how grimes' songs get leaked if she mostly works on them all by herself, was she hacked or something?
  3. most of the music videos of the cry baby era were payed out of her own pocket. but i agree, they gave her creative freedom from the begining and a massive budged for a project like k-12.
  4. do you guys think if mm3 leaks the label is gonna drop her or maybe cut her budget a lot more? makes sense cuz i don't think k-12 got nearly as much money for them as they thought it would get with a 6 million dollar budget and then a leak... they're not going to want to spend more money on her
  5. i like s&t but teacher's pet is trash... so boring and the song is one of the better ones in the album she could've done so much more... speaking of bad k-12 mvs recess didn't even had one
  6. rany is milking this photoshoot as hardly as he can to gain more followers on social media... this show & tell pic came as a gift after he got 1k followers on there. at this paste we'll never get the whole thing, i really hope someone else has it cause i dont have time for that
  7. she could also do what she did on cry baby and release the album and make a mv for every song, that way she can tell the story in series format OR she could make and release a movie after she makes releases the album
  8. i remember melanie said she was going to make a music video for play date when the trend was going on, she even said the script for it was done and she was ready to film and then she never did. wonder what happened to that why do these people are leaking the shotoshoot with only cropped images with shitty quality uggghhh just leak it all in HQ already
  9. i just wish she was honest about whatever the hell she's doing. like, if she doesn't want to release music anymore that's fine, but don't keep teasing your fans and saying that new music is coming when it's been almost 10 years and you have released 1 SINGLE. i don't believe her label is the one keeping her from making music because as some of you said, she could always release ep's or mixtapes independently just to show that she is still out there making music. she could at least make idk a tell-all interview with some news publication like pitchfork and tell all the reasons why she quit music (because lets be honest, thats what happened). and if she's a fiona apple type that will only release an album every 10 or so years, that's fine but MAKE THAT CLEAR. don't be on instagram LYING to your fans.
  10. do we have an organized masterpost with all her unreleased songs? i'm tired of waiting for new music and i've never listened to her leaked stuff so i think it's time
  11. maybe they filmed a music video or something like that? oh god imagine all we could've had
  12. why do u think that? also, do you mean only the secret garden part or the whole story
  13. yesss and it would be something new, people are starting to get tired of melanie always doing the same visuals, concepts and sound. it'd be great if she ditched the cry baby character for a while (or even forever idc) and did something drastically different from what we've seen from her released material so far
  14. not this leaking right when i was making my cry baby b-sides cover well i guess all this work goes into the trash now at least i didn't finish it yet
  15. damn i only wanted gold diggin love why is this song so hard to leak???
  16. Also I wonder how did Warner gave her 6 MILLION DOLLARS and let her do anything she wanted with it??? It's the only explanation I can get, and also WHYYYY OH WHY did they give her this amount of money for the film and didn't even bother promote it in anyway? And I fear MM3 is going to the same path as K-12, idk why she would do that but it seems we'll get another movie with no singles or MVs prior to its release, than tour and an EP. Let's hope she at least improves her writing i guess.
  17. I think what demaged the film the most is Melanie's insistence that she can make everything by herself, directing, design, photography, script... If she at least got a professional writer with experience to work with her on the script, we could've gotten a much better and coherent project.
  18. OMG THE FACTS. these leaks made me think about k-12 again and how poor everything in that era was. the era was a complete mess begining from the fact that she didn't even release any singles or properly promoted it at all aside from some interviews that only stans saw. than we come to the movie and it is SO BAD. it looks very pretty of course, but the acting is below average, the script is one of the worst things i've ever seen, doesn't make any sense and was clearly just trying to stich a bunch of songs together in the laziest way possible. even mamma mia, A JUKEBOX MUSICAL had a better way to put together a plot with songs that have no correlation to each other. than we have the subject matter of the songs, that for the most part are the most shallow "woke" ideas that don't say anything new. the principal = president bad why u must fuck with our dreams. orange juice = have an ED? well but ur beautiful <3 yaayyy she's cured. strawberry shortcake = sexism baaad. and don't even have me started on how BORING and bland the production on this one was, she needs to ditch michael keenan. we could've at leat got a great era with lots of music videos instead of scenes from a musical that doesn't make any sense, maybe episodic adventures in school like a little tv show? it would be definitely better than what we got.
  19. me too... why did they have to get things from MM3 everything was going so well with the old songs she didn't care about
  20. but she already confirmed that when she released k-12 and after school lmao
  21. champainproblms


    does anyone has a masterpost or masterlist of all her unreleased songs? the wiki deleted all the pages ugh i'm so lost
  22. One of the admins on the wiki said they're gonna keep the pages and only delete the songs from them, but they also said they aren't going to make pages for songs that are from MM3 sessions.
  23. Yes and I see nothing wrong with leaks of old ass songs that are never gonna be released. Just focus on securing the new material and let it go lol
  24. wait- when did she work with kim petras?? in what song?
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